my writing process.


I JUST WANT TO DO IT OK? procrastinating is fun. i'm doing the one from tia-unnie first (tiaral) and then i'm going to make the one from sindy-senpai (ghibliesque - and yes, i regard you as a senpai).



when i write:

i usually write when it's night time, or when the air surrounding me is cold (i honestly don't know why). i'm serious, i just have this urge to write at night but my parents will bust me if i don't sleep early. they'll get mad and make me sleep because i'm still "growing". it's not my fault that i have the urge to write? don't blame me, parents. blame my brain.

how i write:

i usually tend to hold off those ideas for a while, but then i get to do it when i just - when i just need to write.

i usually play music when i'm writing, but i don't know, i will get so pissed off after a long time because i can't concentrate -  and i will just yank my earphones off my ear and start writing hastily. i usually sit with a very relaxed posture when i'm writing (only my hands are moving) with an occasional sip of cafe latte, hot chocolate or (my personal favorite) hot milk tea. i'll admit i'm a er for caffeine. don't blame me. 

i plan my stories beforehand - but only vague ones, the ending and the beginning. i always plan my story chapters (like a chapter outline) but i keep it at a minimum of 150 words, so that i can make my imagination go wilder (idek to elaborate?).

where i write:

home, or secluded places where people can't see my computer screen. i always feel uncomfortable doing anything in the internet, really, if people are watching me. it isn't just older people, i feel like that around my friends too. if i choose a place like a cafe i will sit where the back of the chair is facing the wall. pretty much it's always like that? i just feel uncomfortable.

inspiration for writing:

everything. may that be leaves falling, a simple poetry, a song, it could all trigger me into writing. and (expecially) unique, unusual, and beautiful words (like phantasmagoria). it honestly just triggers my writing urges and sometimes i have the urge to write it right here right now but i just can't, because i have nothing to write on.



"there are advantages to knowing you own writing process. 

like how the notepad needs to be right paper weight and/or colour. or it's the particular 'pen of the week'. or it is notepad rather than word.

it is also advantageous to know your preferences and comfort zones - so you can break out of them and develop a little."


my writing process:

  • i usually type. maybe i can write it down in a notepad - but some of the stories i create is just a vignette (thanks trixy-senpai!) or just a particular dialogue and/or quote.
  • i am a planner for my stories - but only vague ones. only the ending. i write chapter outlines, and i know how my story will end - but i keep the outline to a minimum (without dialogues) so i can have room for more imagination when i am actually writing the story.
  • i like plot twists and symbolism (blame harry potter for that).
  • i usually have an idea, but i have no idea how it will be written.
  • if i'm handwriting, i don't like ballpoint pens. i like those gel pens, the super black one, which is thin. and if i'm writing in pencil, i like to write with a mechanical pencil, and only if the point is a bit dulled (like for drawing).
  • for the paper, i prefer the yellow-ish - some kind of moleskine paper.
  • loads of other stuff, i think.



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senpai? that is a first :p
i hope that doesnt catch on lol
Ooh. Caffeine. <3 Phantasmagoria. <3

We all have no idea how to write what we want to write. xD