i hate hate hate working in groups

k, so i have to do this group thing for one of my classes and none of my group is showing up to work apparently.

i mean, there's less then an hour until th class we all have today (i have way to much work to sit through that class, so i'm skipping....yes, yes, i know it's bad. tell it to the 25page essay i'll be working on instead) and none of them are a) coming to work b) coming at all.

for real?

dude, if i didn't like these classmates so much (at least two of them are good friends) i'd kill 'em for not showing up to work.

yeah, i'm pissed.

*shrug* oh well, we can do everything tomorrow so it's not THAT bad.....still bad, but not as much.

back to work for me!! got one assignment for my latin america class done, now i have the essay, 2 presentations, and 2 more assingments to do.






..........yeah, college isn't really fun any more.


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Biancer #1
Oh my gosh :s that sounds very serious.. I'm sure everything will be alright though (:
Biancer #2
Let's hope this will never happen :s
Biancer #3
That's nice ^^ and wow, 92%? Impressive :o
Biancer #4
Yap, I know what you mean. I have a friend like him too. The 'I'll do it all by myself 'cause I can do it better and blame you for doing nothing after I'm done'-kind of people can be just as hard to handle as the 'Nope, I'm definitely not going to do anything'-kind. :P
Biancer #5
Oh, so I guess it's fine than (:
Biancer #6
I know how you feel. I hate group works, too. However, did you make it to finish it in time? (: