This is a Farewell Post ;A;

Sorry guys. I think it's time I've made my leave. I'm going to be deleting this account, and my stories as well,  tonight. I don't know how many of you truly care, but yeah. 

I know I have three unfinished stories and I just started requests but I'm being pulled from too many places for me to focus on these stories. And I'm so so so so so very sorry to my subscribers who have been with me since my very first day, who write me engouraging comments who are waiting for the next chapter--but I can't do it. I don't have the same motivation as I did when I first started.

When I first started writing stories, I would write several chapters a day. But it wasn't good. (Not in my definition, now at least). And now, it's so hard to get half a chapter a day done and I just don't have my heart in it anymore.

Don't get me wrong I want more than anything to finish these. These stories are my babies, they are an extension of me, they (like most of everything I have done) were started for a reason. I needed an outlet for these imaginations and I expressed them as best as I could but somethings just not the same anymore. It feels sort of more like an obligation than a way to express myself, know what I mean?

And another thing, I feel like my writing . I'm too ashamed of showing it to other people to be quite honest so even though I spent hours typing these little puppies up, I feel like somewhere somebodies reading my stuff and laughing out loud because it's stupid. I'm sorry thats just the way I feel. 

I may comeback, sometime in the future, you might know it's me, but you probably will not. If I do comeback I want to make sure I write something that's worth reading, that's worth the time I spend writing, that's worthy of anything. I don't know when that will be.

So with this I bid you guys farewell. If you'd like to keep in contact, follow me on my personal tumblr here. I follow everyone back on that account. I also have a kpop blog, but I'm extremely picky on what kpop groups I like to see on my dash and whatnot. Theres a link on my personal blog to there if you want to check it out too (but I won't guarantee a follow back sorry).



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Baoziluv #1
You were my absolute favourite author on AFF, I don't even think I really have a reason to be here if your gone.

I'll miss you.
omg I just read this now and- ugh why oh why ;; I know this comment may be not as long as meaningful as the others but ;_; i love you
Aw, I'm sorry you are leaving AFF. I will keep contact with you. I'll be making a tumblr soon. Everyone recommends me to do so; and I will. I really loved your stories. I will miss you so much here. Hwaiting! Hope we can still be friends. ^^
i shall let u kno that i loved all ur stories, imma cry right now OTL
i loved u & ur stories so much
hope i'll be able to contact u on ur tumblr tho~
Please dont go~!! We havent met yetand we've been planning to~ and it was all because of AFF t^T please dont leave~!!!
Deleting this account is such a waste. All your hard work that people love will be gone. =\

Why not go on a indefinite hiatus or discontinue ? Some of us cherish your work and look back to it.
I'm sad you're leaving :(((