Ipod and Glasses - Stolen or Missing?

So freaking pissed right now. I'm still doing homework (AT 11 ON THURSDAY! WTF?! NOT EVEN HALFWAY DONE YET!) and I just came home from a Swim Meet (which we lost by like 50+ points, as usual).

And ladidah, having a great day, and BAM! I get home. "Oh , ipod and glasses aren't in my pocket."


Drive back to school, search for 10 minutes, NO IPOD OR GLASSES.






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Yoochunswifey #1
As a girl who loses her glasses regulary and thinks of herself as a hobby detective...
Okay so you didn't notice the glasses was gone until you got home? (since you had to drive back to the school). That makes me think they are reading glasses, or at least glasses you don't use all the time as I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't notice the ignifisant worse eyesight if it's glasses you use all the time.
If they aren't stolen they must be either; somewhere in your house (as in they fell out when you took of your jacket or something), between your house and the car (or bus, or whatever you used to get home, if you walked it can be anywhere on the road T__T), in your car, anywhere between the school and the car or in the dressing area (sorry, I don't know what it's called in english).
I'm sure you asked the staff there if they found anything?
Try asking again tomorrow or over the weekend, they might have found something then.
If they are in fact gonem after you have checked eeeeverything, you can concider them stolen.
Why they would steal glasses? If they are reading glasses the thief might have some use for them, but regardless of what type of glasses it is it could be just a crime of opportunity when they stole the ipod, they could sell the glasses for some small amount of cash anyway.
Ask your team mates if they saw anything or lost anything themselves.
But if you think about it; the thief must be female because I doubt that no one wouldn't notice a man entering the dressing area; and if it was on your school that I believe isn't open for anyone to use it must be a person connceted to the school; staff or pupil.

Sorry for my long, and probably not very helpful speech XD
GO SEARCH WHERE U HAD GONE BEFORE THIS. ARE U SURE THEY WERE STOLEN? u probably left it somewhere D: good luck in finding em. :(
O; do you have a place where missing things go to ? that would asdfghjkl
I feel your pain. This stupid fatass (okay well she wasn't fat but whatever) sat on my glasses and broke them. >,> ASDFFGHJKLL?!?! That stupid hoe didn't offer to pay for them... -,- *sigh*