
Them: So you’re dating someone?

My answer was simple.


Them: Oh? Who’s your boyfriend then?

It was an automatic assumption that made me shift from one foot to another.

“My girlfriend.”

Them: Oh…

A deafening silence.

Them: … Well who’s ‘she’ then?

I could see it in their eyes. They were judging; faking concern and nonchalance. I knew they wanted to know for an entirely different reason now. Their interest had shifted from curiousity to a darker shade of slyness and sleaziness. They nudged each other playfully and giggled with evil plans as disgust laced in their voices.

My chest heaved.

“I can’t tell you.”

Eyes narrowed dangerously at me.

Them: Why?

“Because then you’ll find her and judge her too.”


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invicarious #1
I know that moment and feeling. It disgusts me. But maybe disgust is too strong of a word. Yet I suppose it holds all the bitterness I mean.