
I've been ill for the last couplde of days, just laying in my bed and coughing. It really hasn't been fun. Anyway, I am "up" now, meaning I am actually dressed and in front of my computer (I have been so pathetic that I haven't even been able to be on my computer these past days). Now I am just, once again, having one of those nights where I am hyper sensitive and think too much and just... manage to make myself really angry, really sad and really depressed, all alone and with no help. I have a talent for that.

I just finished a oneshot a little bit earlier and now I am working on another one. I hope I can finish the second, proof read the first and then proof read the second tonight.. I don't know if I'll upload the second, since I am really not satisfied with the direction it has taken, but let's see. I love the beginning of it, but it just seems very... I don't even know it there is a word for it.. It doesn't flow very well. 


Now I feel tired. Which is ridiculous because I slept almost 13 hours last night. I guess I just need a lot of sleep when I'm ill.. Garh.


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