Happy Easter, people

Um, hi everyone. Happy easter to all of you. I hope that you have a good time. Without snow, since apparently, it's falling here. AGAIN. I have no idea what happened to the weather and I'm getting tired of it *pouts*

And of course, I'm sick again, apparently with a light case of the flu or something similar. Love you winterspring, seriously xD

On a lighter note, I reached 1700 subs. Don't ask me how but I'm really happy cause of it xD 

That's all I guess, sorry for may awkardness xDD


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Happy B-lated Easter!
Sorry i was late, i went out to eat with my family and i was so tired that i feel asleep, lol Apologies!
but really 1700Subs? Congrats! ^^
Wow... 1700... I would never reach that many since I'm such a lazya.ss xD Congrats and happy easter :D
Happy Easter to you too! Sorry you're sick! D: Wow. It's snowing there? Here it's hot... except we had a fierce thunderstorm last night...
Neked is, és jobbulást :D
happy easter to you to !!!