My Letter to YongGuk's future wife – A birthday gift

Dear Mrs. Bang, dear kids…

This year is the first time that I experience the birthday of your YongGuk. He’s turning 23, funny because when you read this, he will be much older I assume.

I’m just a Baby among so many others, but a lot of my friends asked me why I like YongGuk so much and here I am writing this letter. Just to show everyone why and who would be a better person to write this letter to then you, right? Ha ha.


When I first saw him in the Video to “I remember” roughly one and a half year ago, I thought “What a y young man!” and I fell in love with his voice. At first, I didn’t want to know much about him, just wanted to know about the music he makes. I kept on searching but of course, there wasn’t too much to listen to, but I loved everything. His Soul Connection songs or Bang&Zelo, all was very much to my liking.

When “Warrior” came out, I loved the band, loved their style and I realized that YongGuk completely sneak his way into my little KPop world. I always was a Fangirl and a proper one at that, means I need to know as much as possible about the people I was interested in. And so my searching journey began. And let me tell you, I was so wrong about YongGuk.

I always saw him as that very masculine, kind of rude bad boy, not interested in anything but Hip Hop, women and war movies, ha ha.
Then I read that he studied hard to be the best at his school, because his parents wouldn’t allow him to make music otherwise. I was surprised that the bad boy actually was a very good student and I got more interested, out of impression.

Then I saw YongGuk with his Tigger doll for the first time. It is no lie when I say that Tigger was my favorite Cartoon figure as well when I was young, because of how cheery he was and he always was a very good friend to everyone. Seeing my Bad Boy holding that doll so dearly, a bright smile all over his face, made my heart swell. Such a person can’t be bad, I thought.

And he indeed isn’t, because eventually, I read about his love for Charity. There were several times when I thought about donating and be active for Charity Organizations, but I never trusted them or was too selfish I guess. He however gives a certain amount of his salary to this Organizations plus the amount he has to spare at the end of the month! Just to help children! I won’t lie, I had tears in my eyes when I read that.

And last but not least: Just the way he acts on stage and in shows. I watched his first show appearances. He was awkward, stuttered a lot and was just the man in the back. When you look at the latest things, he stopped stuttering and is even in the center of interest. He speaks mostly about things that are important to him and is never really funny (ha ha), but he developed very well.

And the way he acts with the boys is just … I have no words. Do you know that he is called “Appa” among the fans? Ha ha! He really behaves more like that. When his youngsters run all over the place acting all goofy, he is the one standing in the back and watching them. Sometimes I think that he wants to be just as silly as them but hesitates. It is a bit better now though and I hope it will even better in the future. I hope I will see his goofy side as well.

Of course I won’t lie (and kids, you better don’t read this), I’m really attracted to how beautiful he is to me. In the beginning, there were so many people who were scared of him, I was just attracted by his rough manly side. But his smile just blew me away. Also his shy look. I can’t tell you how often I wanted to interlace my fingers with his long, beautiful ones and how many times I just wanted to lean my head on this broad shoulder of his.
He is very skinny, many people tell me that. Yes, he is skinny, but I think it fits him and it’s beautiful.

When people ask me what I like the most about him, I usually answer his looks or the songs, but it is more the way he changes me, inspires me even. Thanks to him, I remembered my love for Hip Hop music and Art. I loved both at a younger age, it made my world an interesting one. But over time, life got busier and I lost sight of the things that were important to me. He made that come back to my life. In the beginning of this journey, I fantasized about me and him going to watch theatre plays and operas and laughed at that thought because it was weird for me, thinking about my Bad Boy and Art. Now it is not so weird. He probably would even know more than I do, ha ha!

He also helps me to concentrate and keep calm. When I have a stressful day and nothing makes sense, I listen to his voice. I remember how he fought to be where he is now. How he studied to be able to rap. How he stayed up until early in the morning to get the dancing steps right. How he tweets us pictures of him making music so often. It helps me getting motivated for my own dreams.
He also told us to be nice and good to everyone. I noticed that I stay a lot calmer in situations in which I used to explode. I take a deep breath, remember his words and smile. I don’t cry as often as I used to, thanks to him. He makes me live my life better and more meaningful.

Mrs. Bang, I have a favor to ask you and I hope you will hear me. Take this beautiful man of yours and appreciate him. I know I will never see him the way you do, because I will never get so close to him. I won’t ever be able to talk about private things with him. I might even never feel the warmth of his skin or have his brown eyes look at me. But you do. You can make him smile for me…for all of us Babys. We love your husband really much. He takes good care of us and speaks beautiful words to us. Have you read the letters to us Babys? They may not be funny but his words are encouraging and beautiful. And even when we are an annoying bunch of people sometimes, fighting with each other or being rude, he always reminds us to be nice and kind. He always is concerned about our health and even when he has to do the hated aegyo, he still does it because we want to see it.

Please, when he is exhausted after a hard day, make him feel better. When he cries, console him. Make him smile. All in all, be the modest and wonderful woman he wishes for. We can’t do that for him, but you can. I’m sure, there will be Babys who will hate on you, but I believe in my family: There will be more Babys who are happy for Appa Bang.

To YongGuks Kids, how is your Appa? Is he very strict? This Aunt here imagines him to be ha ha. I saw his face lighten up everytime he sees kids, so he must be really happy to have you. Always remember he loves you, even when he is strict.
Do you know how much he does for the kids that don’t live such a good life? I’m sure he still does it. That is very generous of him, isn’t it? Please grow up in that way too.

Always be generous and kind. Sometimes it’s hard, because life isn’t always nice but look what your Appa has become and do it just like him ok?
Can you do something for this Aunt? As soon as you finished reading, go to Appa, give him a kiss and tell him you love him. I hope he smiles when you do.

It was hard to write this letter. Mostly because I still feel weird doing so. But I meant every single word. I might be a crazy fan girl yes, but I can live with that.
Please, treat YongGuk the way he deserves, we Babys can only give him the love for his band and his music, you can give him the love he needs.

Thank You.
A Baby


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there must be like or love button where i can click to! (T__T)
this post sooo beautiful. sorry, i am a newborn baby...
to tell the true, while i was reading this letter meny tears left my face over my cheek. I indeed hope that his future wife, i dosent matter who it is, treads him well.