——www.galaxias.com • Lee Min Woo





USERNAME — WhiteAngels


NICKNAMES Min -- short for Min Woo
BIRTHDATE 19/01/94; 19yrs old
BIRTHPLACE Incheon, south korea
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea






· Park Jae Hyun --
· Park Tae Jun --
· Park Hyung Seok --
· Kim Myung Jae --
· Kwak Min Jun --


he actually never care about his style. Min just combed his hair, wear something casual, and glasses. voila! the pre debut Min Woo

his dark brown hair was always combed to the side. despite of his carelessness in style, he still neat his hair. if it was long, he cut it immediately. 
DEBUT — appearance as idol; same as above )

STYLE — ( dance practice, dorm, airport fashion )

HEIGHT — 173cm
WEIGHT — 54kg

















SUMMARY Funny, Daring, Outgoing, Friendly, Mysterious

Minwoo could, very well, have been named the best prankster in the class and in the entertainment. He likes cracking jokes with his friends, and would be daring enough to glue the pages of his teacher's dictionary. His tomfoolery often gets him into trouble, but soon he would be up and laughing along with his friends. He can be matured and well-behaved when needed to, especially during formal events and situations where respect should be given. 

He has an outgoing attitude, and makes friends rather easily. He was nicknamed 'The Magnet', because he was able to attract others' attention very easily. Yonghyun is able to befriend a person in less than five minutes, unless the person is unapproachable or had insulted him. His friendly character brings fame to the class; he knew almost every single person in his form. His pranking is also unstoppable when he makes friends. He doesn't really have a motive for it, but he admits that he pranks because he wanted their attention; he wanted them to know that he existed. 

Of course, everyone has a dark secret that they keep for many years. Minwoo would evade a question about his family with a laughable prank. In fact, his parents were both dead. Or rather, he never regarded them as parents. For years, he tried to conceal it, trying to make everyone think that he was living a stress-free life.

He knew he was lying to his friends. He knew he was lying to himself too. But he didn't like disclosing too much personal information about himself. He is nicknamed 'The Phantom' for a reason. In classical movies like 'The Phantom Of The Opera', the phantom in the storyline is often seen wearing a white mask that covers half of his face. How does it have to do with Minwoo? Well, he reveals only half of his life, which is the prankster that everyone sees in him. The other half of his life, where all the bitter moments are kept, is hidden behind the mask, shunning itself from reality. The mask, is where he hides the ugly side of himself, and Minwoo is determined to keep it that way.

BACKGROUND — Minwoo had parents who were of middle-upper-class status, and both of them worked long hours in offices. Minwoo had a twin brother, who did not survive the first week of his life. As a result, Minwoo's parents were very strict with their son, often punishing him for the slightest mistake he had committed. Minwoo tried his very best to please the two strict adults, but to no avail. They'd always liked their second son, Minho, better. Although he was 3 years younger than Minwoo, Jaehyun would always outshine Jinyoung in many ways. You would never find a bruise on Jaehyun, but anyone would have easily spotted red streaks on Minwoo's arms, evidence of his parents' 'treatment'. To avoid being questioned by his friends, Minwoo would play pranks on them, and he figured out that he could divert his chums' attention away from him. 

LIKES Music, His family, Greek Myth, Games, Dogs, Spicy foods, Cappucino, Photography, Singing, Novels
DISLIKES — Noisy peoples, Bad/False rumors, Gossip girl, Being distrubed when sleeping/eating, sasaeng fans, being poked in his tummy, flourescent colours, being nagged, lemon (fruit), attention seeker girl
HOBBIES — napping, listening music, singing, playing games, reading books
HABITS — sleep talking out loud, when sleeping in the dorm he only wears boxers (y me >///<), throwing tantrum when someone that already noisy in the morning, sleeping with earbuds on, reading books when bored

-very obsessed with greek myth

-have all Rick Riordan novels

-his sensitive spots is on his tummy

-not a morning person

-a less eater

-compeletely at english --> example (look at the two bottom gif) and this

-blood type A

-a school idol and basketball club captain when junior high school

-often forgot important things

-expert at playing games, likes kingdom hearts, final fantasy, etc

-his ideal type is a girl with beautiful eyesmile and charming smile also a good personality

-really respect to his sunbaes and Noonas also Hyungs





SINGING — he's quite good on his singing. well,his voice very soothing others,it's also very emotional (link)
DANCING — his dance is kind of weird. his body is too stiff, but he tried to not tripped when on stage
RAPPING — hell, he is one of great rapper. he can do fast rapping without catching his breath after rap (

ACTING never ask Lee Min Woo to do this thing. he will tell many reason that will make him not to do it
VARIETY — His jokes and pranks was his weapon to attract attentions. so, don't be surprised if he showed many pranks

SPECIAL SKILL dance a girll group dance, but doesn't want crossdress.


ONSTAGE PERSONA — The Phantom Prankster

ONSTAGE PERSONALITY — entertainments often exaggerate or even completely change their artists' personalities )

TRAINEE LIFE — Minwoo had literally made friends with all the trainees-to-be on the first day of the training. It was no surprise, since he an outgoing attitude, and the trainees found his pranks interesting. Minwoo fared well in training sessions, and was able to balance his training and studies. Of course, he wasn't only enthusiastic about debuting. He was over-enthusiastic about playing. He had ended up in the CEO's office sometimes, but it had been nothing serious. Minwoo often coached others in dance, in private of course. The CEO didn't know about his singing talent, since Minwoo had never mentioned it in his interview or personally. The five years passed with ups and downs, but overall Jinyoung was positive enough to overcome the downs and breeze through the happy times.







LOVE INTEREST — can it someone from Galaxias ent.? if can, i'll pm you if there any girl catching my eyes from nebula.if can't, just say n/a
PERSONALITY — quality over quantity, 3 paragraphes minimum, consisting of at least 7 sentences )

HOW YOU TWO MET — be creative )
RELATIONSHIP ( how he acts in front of her and vice versa ) 


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