— ♚ seventeen girls (Chae Jiyoung)

active rate (8/10)


Chae Jiyoung  14/05/96 18  Korean-Italian  Seoul, south koreaVerona, italy Ciel Cavallaro (italian name)


Quiet, mouse like, and doesn't talk a lot. She's like one of the kids that would sit in the back of the classroom in her own world. She's always shy, and doesn't talk much, but she's very understanding and willing inside. She trusts people easily, and is very gullible. She's innocent, and is hardworking. She's repectful always to elders. She likes to comfort people, because they give her smiles in her face. As you know, she really likes smiling. She's very smart and will turn serious if it comes to studying. She's trustworthy, and she can keep secrets well. She listens to her brother too much. She's quiet, but she smiles a lot. She's not sarcastic, but witty. She's slow in capturing the main concept of something, despite her being smart.

Jiyoung doesn't get angered or jealous easily. She's sneaky and secretive, and when she's angry...never cross this line. If you did, you might regret doing so. Yes, she's very quiet, gullible, naive, and innocent and all but that doesn't mean she doesn't get mad. She's a freaking human too so probably, she has  feelings. One of the things she dislikes is her friends talking bad things about her which is not true behind her back. But the worst that completely transforms her is when you mess, hurt or did something unforgivable for someone she cares for. She's pretty sensitive when it comes to the people who mean alot to her. She once said, "You mess with me, I'm fine with it. You mess with the people I love, you'll regret it.". She's very stubborn as well. She doesn't want people to force her to do something she doesn't want to do, and will do everything just to make that person stop forcing her. 

Jiyoung's also a little too honest for anyone's liking sometimes, thus, she's often called 'ocg' by her members. OCG stands for over critical girl. She often laughs at it a lot, since she knows her members are just joking. She can understand politics well. She can be bright and chirpy when she wants to be, but most of the time she's quiet and only smiles wide. She can boast lots to her members- which is another trait they don't like, by the way- and knows that she isn't humble, but doesn't try changing it. She likes the way she is now- quiet, secretive, overcritical and just boastful. 

But on stage, no more the shy Chae Jiyoung. She's the 'Dual Angel' Chaeyoung -- The alter ego of her, the charismatic side. she's very charismatic on stage and in front of camera. On stage, Jiyoung tends to pull off her typical slogan, the ice princess with a hint of iness and coolness every time she performs a upbeat song or during dance breaks. when she perform an emotional song, she will put a lot of emotions into her performance, not really her facial expression but you can really hear it from her voice. during happy/cute/fun songs, Jiyoung acts jumpy and does a lot of fan-services while performing. on variety shows, Jiyoung tends to be the one who always get picked on because she doesn't talk much and is a bit shy-ish.  

Nickname: Chaeji/youngie (short form of her name)

Vanilla (for her obssesion to Vanilla)

Rose Princess (because she born on May 15th which is Rose Day on Korea )


Idol/Actress faceclaim: Bae Suzy of miss a
  Ulzzang faceclaim: Jang Chom Mi/Chom

Backup idol/actress faceclaim: Seo Yuna of AOA
    Backup Ulzzang faceclaim: Ryn

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood type: B

 Description: ----

Style: jiyoung likes to dress casually, not putting excessive effort into her outfits. she prefers t-shirts and jeans to a blouse and skirt but she knows when to dress up and how to. she loves large jackets and overcoats that go past her knees as well as stockings/leggings. she enjoys wearing lighter colors that gear more towards pastels.

Languages: Italian - Fluent, Korean - Proeficient, Mandarin and Japanese - learning


Jiyoung was born on December 31st in Seoul. The Chaes then moved to verona, italy when Jiyoung was only 3. Her family was quite a happy family up until her father divorced and her mother then she left Jiyoung and her father. Jiyoung was only 7 years old at the time so she didn't really understand what was going on but all she knew was that her mother never came back after she went to Venice with her ochestra, not even for Jiyoung's birhtday. She had a rough year but she got through it because she knew that her life doesn't end there and secretly hoping that one day she will see her mother again.

Starting school in italy was harder Jiyoung thought, some kids at her school were racists and some were bullies. Luckily, Jiyoung manage to get through her elementary school and have good grades. During her 1st year in junior high school, she and her father decided to move back to Korea. Catching up with the language wasn't that hard since her father made her learn Korean when they were in the States, the hard thing was getting used to the culture. Jiyoung had difficulties with it for almost a year but she's fine with it now.

when she was 15 years old, her father remarried to a widow with 2 boys that older 2 and 7 years from her. at the first time, she doubted her new mother and her new sibling, afraid that she would leave her and her father again. but, as time flows, she slowly accepted her as her 'mother' and her 'brothers'

As a young child, Jiyoung have always loved performing on stages, and she knew right away that it was her dream job - an idol. She started learning piano at the age of 6 then started dancing lessons a year after. Jiyoung loves singing, she likes telling stories and expressing her emotions through her dancing. She found her hidden talent for singing. After moving back to Korea, Jiyoung was scouted by a TOP Media agent when she was on her way home from her piano lesson. She auditioned later that month and was accepted in her first trial. she traineed for 2 years on TOP Media and transferred to SM ent.

Trainee years: 3 years (TOP Media), 2 years (SM ent) 

Talking twin: Bae Suzy
Singing twin: Lee 'IU' Jieun 
Dancing twin: Kwon Yuri
Rapping twin: Choi Sulli (for backup)

Stage name: Chaeyoung

Persona: The dual angel//The Italian beauty

Fanclub name: Wings

 #ffffcc  +  #99ccff 

( Vanilla )
( Sweets )
( Music )
( Italian foods )
( Roses )
( Musical Instrument )
( any historical stories )
( american movies )
( Roman Mythology )
( Ice skating )
( animal plushies )
( children )
( drawings )
( anything natural )
People who easily give up )
( Being alone )
( dark places )
( lightning/thunder ) 
( bugs )
( horror and thriller movies )
( bitter chocolate )
( Sasaeng fans )
( Bullies )
( Dying her hair )
( people who always slacking off )
( Ghost )
( Thick Make-up )
watching movies )
( playing her instrument )
( reading historcial/roman myth fiction books )
( drawing )
( listening to music )
( skating )
( humming her favorite songs )
Tired: always looked sleepy and bumped into anything (even closed doors) when walking )
( Happy: will smile all day long and greet everyone )
( Worried: walks back and forth )
( Nervous: fiddle the hem of her clothes )
( Upset: shut to anyone )
( Angry: curses in Italian )
( Pissed off: will use sarcasm )
( Bored: playing her guitar )
( Stressed: eating chocolate (they say chocolate can calm stressed people... but I dunno *shrugs*) )
( Confused: tilted her head to the right )
( Heard lightning strikes: hug anything beside her )
( In a dark places alone: sat on floor and cried quietly )
( Thinking something ert: her ears went read and covered her blushing face )
( Traveling: always sleeps after 5 minutes if she went somewhere far and sleeps on someone's shoulder )
( cannot sleeps without her lullaby )
( sometimes sleeps with opens and drools )
( always use formalities even to her friends )
( Her motto is "Discovering who you are and being comfortable with yourself is a huge thing." )
( She grew up in Verona, Italy )
( Her favourite kind of flowers are white roses )
She appeared in most of teen top mv (crazy era until rocking era) and got the name of "teen top girl" beause of it )
( She often speaks on Italian accent out of nowhere resulting embarassed herself )
( Her ideal type is "A boy who she can be herself with." )
( If she were to admit it, her ideal type would be 17's Lee Jihoon)
( She's very good at the piano )
( Her other motto is "Tomorrow is always a better day!")
( She often forgets her own birthday )
( She doesn't like dyeing her hair saying that it'll damage it.)
( She has an asthma (did I spell it right??) so, she can't being so tired)
( If she has a chance to go overseas, she would choose to go to England or Back to Italy)
( Her first crush was her music club senior when she was 1st year in middle school )
( she once baked a chocolate for her crush but ended up giving it to her friend because he allergics to chocolate )
( she call her all male sunbaes with 'sunbaenim' instead of 'oppa')
( she looks up to her SM's Sunbaes )
( Her trademark feature is her eye-smile​ )
Rival:  Kim Namjoo//Apink

Actually, she is a cute girl, a typical sister for Jiyoung. But after knowing her more, her trueself appeared. She is a spoiled girl and always want the spotlight on her. Because of her status as an idol now, she becoming a cocky girl, especially to Jiyoung who's still a trainee back then. It's continue even when Jiyoung already debuted.​  They treat like a normal girl to another girl. Just when Namjoo becoming cocky and annoying, Jiyoung will stare at her with her y stare, the iest one. They sometimes found themself in a cold war just by seeing each other​ . Actually, nothing's wrong between the ladies. But.. BUT.. After knew her, Jiyoung found that Namjoo has the personalities that she hates most. Namjoo thinks just because she's a sunbae to Jiyoung, she could act cocky toward her. Jiyoung hates that most. Jiyoung personally assuming Namjoo as her rival. It's a good point, because with assuming her like that, Jiyoung becoming more passionated with her job as singer and how to be more from Namjoo. Looks like Namjoo eventually feels that way too.​ Yoon Bomi//Apink


Father - (chae joonyoung) - (47) - (lawyer) - (strict, cautious, protective)

Mother - (elena cavallaro) - (45) - (house wife) - (kind, warmhearted, caring)

Step-Mother - (lee haneul) - (43) - (clothing line shop owner) - (motherly, laid back, calculative)

1st Step-Brother - (lee hwanghee) - (25) - (company man) - (tender, truthful, loyal)

2nd Step-Brother - (lee chanhee 'chunji') - (20) - (idol/teen top) - (honest, childish, strange)​

Best friend: 

(Giotto Vongola) - (18) - (student in italy) - (funny, cheerful, {sort of} a narcissict)

(Simon Cozarto) - (18) - (student in italy) - (shy, calm, gentleman)

(---) - (---) - (17 g member) - (---) {preferably someone on her age too}


rest of 17g and 17 here...

Love interest: Hong Jisoo

Backup: Choi Seungcheol

Personality: always sitting back and looking chilled while playing his guitar or laptop. he's a very dorky guy who tries to cover up his mistakes and will sometimes fall for trick. he gets suspicious easily and will fire questions when he thinks something is not right. he's a really hardoworking boy. he's always eating his chocolate or craving fr his chocolate. he can be absolutely clueless when people use sarcasm. he's always on the lookout for his loved ones. even though he may not look like it, but he will use physical contact if you hurt his loved ones.​

How you met: during her trainee years at pledis. she was lost and didn't know where to go and that's where she bumped into jisoo. she immediately got lost in those eyes but shook the feeling off. she had a hard time speaking korean as she was a tad too nervous. he laughed at her cuteness and that caused her to flush. he told her where to go and in a daze, she nodded and walked off with a smile on her face. ​

How you interact: they're very shy around each other and would often blush when they have eye contact. they're very quiet around each other and would smile randomly around each other. they would have little talks here and there. everytime jisoo sang, she would smile and her members would be scared because of this. they're too shy to make a move and so the 7teen and 7teen girls members become matchmakers.​

Relationship: friends

Training life: Training is definitely not easy, even when you're good, there's always room for improvements. sooeyon gave training her best shot and she never regrets her hardworks. She started learning guitar around the same time as she started training.She loved training, even when it was so tiring she couldn't even get up the next day, she enjoyed every single bits of it. She only got into composing songs in her 4th year of training and doesn't think she's good at it. A lot of trainees weren't very nice to her but she's alright with that since her main tention is to become an idol. She wanted to prove to SM that she's ready to debut and importantly, to show her father that all her hardworkings have paid off. She did have a few horrible memories while training. She've been bullied several times in her first and second year. Not to mention she had a rough year when her grandmother passed away. She lost a lot of weight in her first year because she didn't balance her diet that well. Luckily she gotten used to the training by her second year and is doing fine till now.​ 

Love rival: Choi Jonghyun/Changjo of teentop

Personality: He seems like the quiet and mysterious profile but once he opens up to people he is actually very childish and loves to pull pranks while teasing people. He is not the type to express his feelings to others very well and would give a vibe of wanting to be alone but is actually the calm yet energetic boy who loves receiving attention. Sure he is reckless and brusque but he is quite the charmer.  Romantic wouldn't even being to descirbe his intentions because he is also the sweetest guy and will do the cheesiest things to make someone smile. He doesn’t talk much but he is full of laughter and aegyo. He cares deeply for his loved ones. He is stubborn and often acts without thinking and comes to as a bit rash.

How you met: Always there to cheer up his 'dongsaeng' and acts like the mature knight that wants to protect the damsel. He is full of sweetness that can brighten up her day even if she doesn't want to smile around him. He is sometimes a bit overprotective and glares at any guy looking at her but he lets it go. He loves to smile in front of her a lot and likes to compare the height difference between them even though she is older. Lovey dovey and sweet just like chocolate. She refers to him by his real name because she believes it is manly for him. She started to call him enemy because they both love to dance and they both have the same surname, but slowly began to love him because he was always on her mind and she was on his. Play fighting is what they do best at, but majority of their time together is based upon loving glances and sweet memories. A kiss or two is shared, but their first kiss took forever; about a few months into their realtionship that made their friends nuts! Skinship is shared often like hugging and holding hands, but they are just too scared to move on! Just like a fairy tale, she is his princess and he is her knight.​

How you interact: whenever these two are together, a second cold war seems to break out with no one trying to interfere or stop them; instead they seat back and grap a bag of popcorn. they are the comedic duo that send waves of hatred to one another but they each take it as a sign of love. they grew to like the arguments they have and the common likeness in personality and temper they share making their conversations more enjoyable. they find this sense of relationship comfortable and enjoy what they have. not what jiyoung would have wanted with her idol, but it makes up for the fact that they can always have fun with each other around.

Why is he your love rival: his one sided love to jiyoung

Backup love rival: BTS' Jeon Jungkook

Motto: discovering who you are and being comfortable with yourself is a huge thing

Scene request:

it's up to u~~~~

Position: 1st Main Vocalist, 3rd Lead Dancer

Backup position: 2nd Lead Vocalist, Rapper

SNS: 17g_chaeji 



Do you mind if I make some changes?: sure~~ ^^



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