{+ -┆pitch perfect } >> jung dahyun






So, give me a name and don't

tell me it's bonquisha!     


character name: jung dahyun [ 중 다 휸 ]
nickname(s): day ; just another variation of her name
date of birth and age: june 28, 1993 / 20
birthplace and hometown: busan gwangyeok-si, yongnam, south korea
ethinicity: full korean
height/weight: 167cm / 57kg

 [ me, myself, and i.  wth is this bs, psychology class? ]



So, i have size a s, i must be a star now!     


ulzzang: jang hae byeol
gallery: one . two . three . four . five
back-up: seo ji hye
gallery: one . two . three. four. five.
appearance/style: ( open the wardrobe )
extras: none

 [ i'm gorgeous and i know it. ]



So, i'm not some average girl, i'm extraordinary !     


[ Common Teenager ] Unlike her subtle older brother Daehyun, and her Einstein-esque eldest brother, Daeho, Dahyun is actually the opposite with her headstrong and self-indulged attitude. Being the most talkative one in her family, it seems as if she’s very outgoing but that’s only because the rest of her family lacks pizazz. What makes Dahyun unique is her strong sense of honesty which people often misunderstand for her sense of humor. To put it simply, Dahyun plays along with what her friends talk about when she could actually care less and they think she’s joking or some bizarre shiz. She is easily annoyed by the human population in general and tells them exactly what she thinks without hesitation. For example, if someone is telling a story she could really care less about, she’ll just say, “I don’t give two s about what you’re talking about.” The problem is, people think she’s just trying to be funny and continues on with what they’re doing. Like, what the actual…?
[ Make way for the queen! ] If there’s one thing that Dahyun hates, it’s being second to someone else. I mean, she already regrets being the youngest! Dahyun feels that she doesn’t need to answer to anyone and that she can make decisions for herself; she’s always thinking before she acts. She is extremely sensitive to criticism and will see naything that is trying to change her ways as a threat. While she despises the human race, there is literally only one person who she thinks is worth anything: herself. Believing that she is the most amazing person to have ever walked on this planet, she’s the type of person to compliment herself in every way or form possible, often taking it to the extremes. Anyone who agrees with her decisions, she will be immediately drawn to them (not always romantically). For example, if you happen to be talking about a cute outfit that you're wearing, she’ll agree that your outfit is cute but put you down by saying her outfit is better because of (insert article of clothing that you don’t have here). Long story short, you just want to roundhouse kick her in the non-existent balls because of her pride.
[ Look Here! ] The well-respected medical family, the Jung family, was always known for their academic achievements but for some reason, the genius genes failed to pass down to Dahyun. Even if they did pass down, they’re seriously recessive. Dahyun isn’t necessarily useless, moreso its potential being thrown out the window due to her lack of motivation to do anything. Growing up, Dahyun was never as disciplined as the oldest two in terms of academics. In fact, she wasn't disciplined at all. It was as if her parents had already grown tired of taking care of their children by the time she came along. Because they had already achieved so many great things in their academic career, it was hard for Dahyun to meet these expectations. In need of attention and recognition from others, Dahyun tries her best to do well but always gets distracted or gives up halfway because she feels that no one will be impressed by her actions. This is the side of Dahyun that she is ashamed of – the weak and vulnerable child in need of attention.
[ The Runt ] Being the youngest child raised in an upper class family, she’s definitely going to be somewhat spoiled. Ever since she was a little girl, Dahyun always got what she wanted as soon as possible and in the best quality. If she wanted a China doll, her parents wouldn’t only get her one from the mall, they would actually import a personalized one from China. Though it seemed that she was contempt with the materialistic things in her life, it was never enough for her. She could never really pinpoint why she never felt satisfied with any of the luxuries that was provided for her. Many of the girls in her school envied what she had and she would always give them away knowing that if she asked, she would get it again. Because of this, girls always knew they could rely on her if they wanted something that she was wearing. If she didn't get her way, she would throw a tantrum or something.
[ Cover Girl ] Thought she may seem like a brat through and through, one wouldn't actually think she was all that bad until they actually got to know her better. In the beginning, she seems like someone you would be friends with because she seems nice. In reality though, she's actually just being tolerant of you. She has a short-temper, yes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have respect for other people. She gives respect where respect is due. She's an obedient child, nonetheless; she grew up with these values so it's kind of second nature for her. Dahyun, surprisingly, doesn't have a set group of friends. At least, she doesn't consider them friends. She believes they're just people who follow her around because they enjoy her company when she rarely contributes anything to the conversation at hand. Heck, she doesn't even listen to what they're saying half the time.
breakdown: Egocentric. Irritable. Insecure. Bratty.
- money and other lavish luxuries ; it was something she grew up with
- being the center of the spotlight ; she takes an interest in perfrming arts
- reading about personality/mental disorders and various brain functions
- clothes with neutral colors such as blacks, greys, browns or blues
- athletic gear ; especially nike, columbia and under armour apparel
- flashy sneakers ; attracted to running shoes with a variety of bright colors
- being right ; she's either right, or she's right. always right.
- xbox and first-person shooters ; she has two older brothers, what do you expect?
- figure skating ; she's a juniors singles skater. got into it at an early age
- movies ; it's something that the jung family enjoy
- social networking sites ; tumblr and twitter are her favorite ones
- the entire human race ; they tick her off quite easily but she still puts up with them
- sweets ; she's just never been a fan and her parents won't let her eat candy
- bubble tea ; she used to like it but then she choked on a tapioca so...no.
- being wrong ; no one ever likes to be wrong because it's just not cool
- turtlenecks ; whoever came up with that should be punished. like, no.
- instagram ; believes it's just an excuse to put up pictures of your face
- school ; yet, it's still something she finds herself doing everyday
- watching tv ; discovery health, food network and hgtv are her favorites
- diy projects ; she's influenced by the programs that she watches on tv
- sports ; figure skating in the fall, basketball in the winter, track in the spring
- cooking ; when her parents aren't home, she cooks for her brothers and herself
- practicing violin ; she can play but she's not particularly interested in it
- shopping ; she really likes fashion, believe it or not.
- watching movies ; the jung family does movie night every weekend
- listening to music ; the music she listens to depends on what she's doing/feeling
- practicing her seoul accent in her room ; wants to be able to converse in seoul accent
- studying ; she usually gives up halfway through and gets a bare-minimum grade
- "stupid."
- her laugh. just...her laugh.
- leans to the right side more than her left side
- takes the l and r headphones seriously
- prefers to eat with fork/knife/spoon than chopsticks
- walks around with her hands in her jacket pockets
- greets people with an insult ; "ew, look. it's (inssert name).
- cracking every single body part possible ; neck, knuckles, back, joints, wrists
- if she doesn't know how to say something in seoul accent, she uses busan accent
- alodoxophobia ; fear of opinions
- atelophobia ; fear of imperfection
- atychipphobia ; fear of failure
- autophobia ; fear of being alone
- neuroscience major / biology minor
- member of the robotics team and computer programming team
- small forward for the school basketball team/distance runner for track team
- attended sajik elementary school and sajik middle school
- graduated from busan computer and science high school
- diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder ; not severe
- like her brothers, she has a busan accent ( one . two . three. )
- started figure skating when she was three years old
- new york knicks and miami heat are her favorite basketball teams
- walk to remember and argos are her favorite movies
- this is her favorite song.
fun video : comparing daehyun's 8 notes to dahyun's 3 notes

 [ i like punk-rock, anime, and hot guys.  i'm ing awesome. ]







So, my boy is rockin' and 

one fine specimen of a man!     


love interest: Kim Minseok
major: Neuroscience Major / Psychology Minor
occupation/clubs: Alley Cats ; Robotics Team ; Striker for school Soccer team
[ Look at that Face ] Kim minseok, is pretty two-faced to be quite honest. He has a soft side to him but at the same time, he has can be a bit judgemental. No one would expect such a cute and innocent face to be hiding anything negative underneath. Although his inner self can be a tad mean, Minseok's outer self is a very friendly and optimistic person. He is able to balance out his personality because he knows how to balance harmony with authority. Like Dahyun, Minseok doesn't show how irritated he can be around people. He doesn't hate them to the extent that she does but he  can only take so much at one time before he starts complaining about people. Because he depends on mostly himself, he developed his own self-pride. He likes to think highly of himself and likes to put himself before others though, he does this more indirectly than Dahyun. Minseok is not one to publicly announce his feelings about himself especially since it would ruin his reputation of being the nice guy. He’s very careful in talking about himself because he’s afraid of spilling out his personal traits; weaknesses and strengths.
[ Psychology Help ] One thing that Minseok takes advantage of as a pdychology student is being able to  takes advantage of is others’ weaknesses. If he finds out one’s weakness, he’ll keep it in mind for future reference when he needs a favor. Besides, it’s not bad to get a little help every once in a while. Minseok can be a bit of a smart-aleck as well. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when it comes to setting people straight or really just to annoy them. He can be annoying at times but he likes to watch peoples’ reactions for the fun of it. His comebacks and witty comments can drive one to insanity because he makes pretty good comebacks on the spot. Not only thank, his sarcasm adds more salt to the wound. When confronted about his comebacks, he’ll act innocent and say, "What did I do?” complete with a set of puffed cheeks and puppy pout. one can’t deny Minseok of being cute, that’s why it makes people more irritated at him.
how you met/will meet: They have met already.
[ General ] They are in the same neuroscience class. Sit across the aisle from each other. Previous lab partners. Minseok is friends with Daehyun. The neuroscience professor recommended Minseok to Dahyun for tutoring.
[ Specific ] Daehyun brought a few of the guys from the Alley Cats, Minseok included, to play video games because it was game night and well, you know game night. Super important. Anyway, the game room was obviously occupied because there was a sign that said so and the door was closed. Ignoring the sign, the boys went inside and Daehyun told Dahyun to let them play. Dahyun was in the middle of a game so obviously, she said no. Daehyun tried again after a few minutes and then she had already started another game. This went on for about half an hour before finally, Minseok pulled off a chain of cutesy actions hoping that she would be charmed or something. Disgusted, Dahyun willingly handed over the controller to Daehyun so she could be as far away as possible from Minseok. They ran into each other a few times around the house but that was pretty much their overall interaction.
The neuroscience teacher was the one who initiated the, "Minseok can tutor you!" idea after finding out that Dahyun was falling behind on her grades and that she was completely lost on what they were doing at that time. Knowing that Minseok was good friends with her brother because they were both vocalists in Alley Cats, her first reaction was to reject the her professor's offer. That night, when she got home and sat down to do homework, she realized that she was in desperate need of help. Being fully aware of Minseok's academic standings that he’s ‘career capable’, she decided to ask him if he could tutor her. Their tutor sessions usually end up to be more arguing than actually teaching because Dahyun refuses to accept the fact that she’s wrong and he’s right. Minseok often threatens to leave her if she keeps up with her complaining which usually results in her calling getting mad, packing up her stuff and going home. The next day, she goes up to him again and asks if he could continue tutoring her. After poking fun at her, Minseok agrees and arranges a meeting place and time after school. Dahyun plans to ditch him after she gets her grades back up. In the meantime, she’ll just have to put up with all their fighting.
how do you act around each other:
Minseok and Dahyun act like complete opposites though they are a bit similar in personalities. They both take pride in themselves but the difference is he comes off as a typical elementary schoolboy while on the other hand, Dahyun comes off as a really mean joker. They blow simple things out of proportions and are always contradicting each other. They rarely agree on anything and by rarely, I mean never. If there's one thing that Dahyun hates is Minseok's aegyo. Knowing that she is easily disgusted, Minseok will pull of a cute action to make her do what he wants. More than half the time, because he's the older one and because she wants him to stop doing aegyo, she will go along with what Minseok says.
Dahyun is usually the one to disagree with what the other says. She refuses to listen to Minseok about what she's doing wrong in her homework because she doesn't think she's wrong. She's always trying to find fault in him to poke fun at and him vice versa. Dahyun sometimes has the upper hand when she asks a favor of Minseok in front of Daehyun. He's afraid that if he says no to her in front of Daehyun, something bad is going to happen. During tutoring sessions at her house, Dahyun always makes sure that they're in her room where she has the advantage. Minseok hates skinship so when they're studying on her bed, she makes sure that if she wants him to feel uncomfortable or if she wants to get her way, all she has to do is get a bit closer to him and then, voila! Dahyun 1, Minseok 0.
back up: Do Kyungsoo
major: Biomedical Engineering major / Culinary Arts minor
occupation/clubs: Alley Cats ; Home Ec Club ; Golf team
Kyungsoo is a very level-headed, and collected kind of guy who bears no weight on his shoulders. Being open minded, it is easy for him to be whisked away into daydreaming or sleeping. He is very gentle and is a rational thinker; making choices with his head, rather than his gut feeling is something that he is good at. Kyungsoo is very understanding so others will come to him when they need someone to talk to. He is very generous but at times, he can be possessive; especially when it comes to things that he wants to keep for himself. He likes to share with others things that he doesn’t need or want but if it’s his and he likes it, he won’t share it with anyone. Kyungsoo can sometimes get a bit jealous at times. If he sees something he wants, he’ll get close to the person so they can share it with him. Kyungsoo can’t handle strict criticism well. He doesn’t like to judge, nor does he like to be judged. Kyungsoo is a great listener and very motherly. He often gives advice to those who are facing difficulties and takes care of those younger than him. He takes charge when everyone seems down and gives them pep talks to renew their spirits. Kyungsooe has a lot of creative ideas but he doesn’t know how to put it into action; he needs help from others if he wants to get something done.
how you met/will meet: Same as above.
how do you act around each other: Same as above only, Dahyun makes fun of Kyungsoo because well...Home Ec and Golf team.

 [ i may not need a man, but sometimes i can't help but have my eyes on one special guy. ]



So, music is my soul, so let me let out the beast

within me!     


how did you get in the 'red hots':
You want me to be honest? Alright then. I did it because I was jealous. Jealous of my brother, Daehyun. Daehyun happens to be one of the main vocalists in Alley Cats and I grew sick and tired of all the attention he was getting. All that attention was being wasted on him when it could have just as easily been wasted on my presence alone. On top of that, I wanted to beat him at something he was recognized for, one day. Everyone was always telling me to, "Hey, go tell Daehyun that he did an amazing job!" and after having to deal with that for so long, I finally ticked.
Without even thinking about it, I found myself standing at auditions. I didn't have a plan; no song, no CD, no instrument, no anything. I was able to slapdash an audition in my head and asked the guy in charge to plug my phone into the speakers. There was only one instrumental in my music player and I was afraid that I was going to completely humiliate myself in front of everyone - and "everyone" included my brother. Of course, I knew I wasn't going to mess up because I'm awesome and I was going to crush it, you know? Anyway, I ended up singing my favorite song from A Walk to Remember and...yeah. Swaggieeee.
Okay no. I lied. I was rejected mainly because I called Kyunghee a because she thought it was okay to give me advice on my singing. Like, gurl, I can find out how to fix myself on my own! I stormed out of there. After I got home, I went to Daehyun and demanded that he put in a good word for me to the Kyunghee and Minri. That's when I found out I was put on the "Call Back" list.
Author : While listening to the song, please remember that Dahyun cannot speak English fluently so she has a slight accent. This is the only English song that she knows. Also, she's not as amazing as the queen, Mandy Moore, but this ilustrates Dahyun's vocal range. 
[ singing ] + - + - + - ++
pros : mix of chest/head voice ; able to do eight notes like daehyun ; voice is suited more for singing; usually does 3 notes (holds each note longer than daehyun does)
cons : breathing needs work ; after eight notes, she is depleted and needs a few moments before singing again
[ rapping ] + - + 
pros : able to keep on beat ; her accent contributes to unique style of rapping ; she likes rapping
cons : unable to rap fast ; has a high voice so it just doesn't sound right
[ violin ] + - + - +
pros : she can play violin ; somewhat freestyle moves while playing
cons : she doesn't really like it ; dancing is made up on the spot so moves are repetitive
what is your view towards music:
Music is life. I'm pretty sure everyone says that. I mean, without it, what would life be? Having been raised in a musically inclined family, it's only right that I would be musically talented as well. Obvi. Also, I'm amazing at everything. My eldest brother, Daeho, is the composer of a lot of Kdrama OST's. A lot of the music he comes up with is just kick- awesome that it deserves an award. Of course, he's never the one singing it. He just produces it. He sings it at home though. He's really good too. Shh! Don't tell him that!
Okay so, my other brother, the "Almighty" Daehyun, is one of the main vocalists for the Alley Cats. I gotta admit, despite my complete hatred for him, e's a great singer and is able to do the eight high notes - but not as good as me, obvi. But don't tell him I said that either! I don't normally admit this but envy him for all the attention he gets at parties or events when he is asked to sing. He is gifted with an amazing voice and I wish that I were like that as well.
My parents are probably the biggest influences in my life when it comes to music. They're both medical graduates of Harvard but they minored in traditional music. As a skater, it's often that we skate to slow songs. It really means a lot to me when I skate to pieces composed by my own parents. I play the violin but I'm not happy with just that. My family's strong point is singing and to be overshadowed by them hurts my own self-pride sometimes. I try my best and work hard to become a great singer that my parents, as well as my brothers, can be proud of...but don't tell them I said that.

 [ music knows me better than anyone else. ]



So, let your thoughts flow!     


thank you so much for giving me a chance to apply! i hope this application meets your guys' expectations. pitch perfect is one of my most favorite movies and as well as mean girls and bridesmaids. even if i do not get chosen, i wish you guys good luck!
for her mental disorder, i just wanted to point out that it's not a severe case of histrionic disorder nor is it an exact diagnosis. since there was no backstory, i was not able to explain it but here's just the brief explanation: doctors, because they want to make more money, tell the jungs that she has HPD when in fact, she really doesn't. she's just insecure. modern society really just wants to label people.
oh and because i love southern korean dialects so much...here.
scene requests:
[ really optional ] i was snooping around on the applicant list and noticed that one applicant (iibingeul) had daehyun as their love interest. i really liked her application and in the event that you choose her (hey bro, no pressure, 'kay?), i thought it would be cool if dahyun and yang minjee would get in a fight or something which centers around daehyun. i dunno. i always thought that siblings interfering with love interests are always cool ;D 
what should i call you: miranda!
activity level: 4.5
password: "a marvelous night for a moondance." - i suggest you listen to this because the lyrics are too beautiful ;)

 [ i'm in love, so let me be a part of this please. ]




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