Found a non-Asian OTP to ship... AND I SHIP IT SO HARD O3O

So the rare ship that I've boarded (Ever since I found out about Kpop, I rarely ship non-Asian/Idols people together xD) is called.....



Now you're probably wondering, "What the hell is Mavin?" or "You mean Moon Mavin?"
Holy ing , David So, love this guy

If there are any Roosterteeth fans/watchers, RAISE YOUR HANDS!

Y'all should know who Gavin Free and Michael Jones are right?
They're these two geeks/dorks/nerds:

Gavin Free (British)

Michael Jones (American) 
with Lindsay his fiancee

ANYWAYS!!! These two adorable mutherers are one of the cutest OTPs I've ever shipped and I ING SHIP THEM SO HARD RIGHT NOW!
I mean, I ship them as hard as I ship 2min AND THAT'S A LOT!
I know I'm knee deep into feels for an OTP after reading fanfics, searching up fanart, watching fanvideos, SQUEALING AT EVERY DAMN MOMENT THEIR TOGETHER!
God.... Someone needs to help me.... This is like when I entered the BlackIce (Pitch Black x Jack Frost ; RoTG) ship ;A;

{Now here's some Morgar and Vav AKA TEAM NICE DYNAMITE (fanart and real pictures) for you while I go watch Achievement Hunter 8D)

(That's their mincraft skin ^^ Michael = Bear ; Gavin = Creeper)

(Gavin confessing his love for Michael)

And why not end this lovely post with the most sweetest fanvideo ever that brought me to tears and showered me in feels ;w;

DAMMIT! I CAN'T FKING ADD THE VIDEO =3= J-just click the above fanart to see it


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Outside KPOP.. I ship Dean and Bela.. (Supernatural y beast).. hahahah.. and Dramione
GavinoIsMicoolsBby #2
XD That OTP, man