Indeed.. Plagiarism hurts.


To be frank, I just found out that dbskgirl4ever encountered plagiarism issue. Through a friend-reader of mine though.

And.. I just hope to bring the message across to all readers out there that, Plagiarism HURTS.

The author spent so much time thinking, typing, and to even upload it nicely for your reading pleasure and so, all you have to do is to just comment, subscribe if you really like and to show your support by recommending it to others probably.


I remembered how hurt I felt when I encountered with that Plagarism issue and yet this poor author encounted 5 in the same week. I truely emphatise with her and I do hope for plagiarism to stop.

Spread this and let's have an anti-plagiarism space so that all could write and read comfortably (:



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FishyDreamer #1
I agree! Plagarism is bad and not only that, it is the original author's ideas thought and nicely typed out just for the readers. Yet, those plagarisers just copy the whole idea down like they got nothing to do.
i agree :)
plagiarism hurt author
mary_210 #3
oh my, it really and i feel sad because all the hard work and the effort you put into it was credited to someone else :( Well people should learn from this and realize the wrong doings they have done
It that someone took away all the work you put it
I know how it feels and its painful
I hope that people will realize what they have done