Love Letter!

Hi everyone!

I really want to tell my crush how I feel about him and I want to write a love letter to him! I know it sounds kind of stupid but I'm just too afraid of getting rejected, I guess. 

What should I say to him? I'm stuck! How should I start it, like "Dear _" or something! What should I say about him or something! I need help! Please help me! I really appreciate it! If anyone helps me, I will update my stories more quicker!

Thank you everyone!



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Well, if he's kissed you isn't he bound to say yes?

I agree with the two people under me
I agree with the person below. I don't think you should start with Dear. You should write a short little poem like, I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile or how you went out of your way to help so and so. Something like that but don't make it too creepy. Don't feel sad if he doesn't feel the same way about you, it was worth the try right?
If you are friends, don't start with Dear. Personally, I think that is too formal. Maybe just start with his first name and then a comma after, working into your letter. Like what Kai-Lover said, definitely tell him how you admire his personality and then also tell him how he makes you feel. But don't force your feelings onto him because then he may feel to overwhelmed/pressured to respond. I hope this helped! ^^ Good luck~
Well, if ur gonna write a love letter to him. tell him how you admire his personality first.