♚ Everland! ♚- Moon MyungHee




Panda3093 || Moon MyungHee

♚ Everland!



You know what I'm saying?



Characters name:Moon MyungHee

Nicknames:Myunggie(from close friends and brother; cuter way of saying her name); Hee(by guy friends; shorter vers. of her name); Devil(for her sarcastic and pranking personality); Troublemaker(by teachers; explanation in "personality" sect.)

Age:15/ 8/ 1995 Age 16 going onto 17


Languages:Korean(fluent), English(fluent), Chinese(canto. and mandarin)(basic)


Watch me be me.


Ulzzang:Byeon Ji Young

Pictures:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up:Kim Seul Mi

Pictures:1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Clothing style: She likes to wear simple outfits. No dresses or blouses, but instead tees and shorts. She wears sneakers instead of heels. She has more of a tomboy style than anything else. She isn't into any bright, flashy or pastely clothings, but her color pallet usually consists of black(in winter), grey, or white.

Who am I?

Personality:Head-strong and smart. She isn't one to run away from danger, but instead face the problems head on. she isn't afraid of the consequences as long as it doesn't affect those around her. She was bullied when younger and thought of as "weak" and "frail". But, she is now independent and stands up for others. She has the nickname "Devil" for a reason. She was given the name by classmates for her sarcastic and pranking attitude. She pulls pranks on everyone at least once. She doesn't do it to be cruel, and rarely holds a grudge against anyone, but she does it to occupy herself. She loves to see the reactions of her victim, it makes life entertaining for her. She is said to be a "troublemaker" by her teachers since she sleeps in class. They think of her as a slacker, but she is just somone that believes she doesn't have to do something if not in her interest. If it doesn't interest her, she will forget about it.

At first she may be considered cold, dark, and distant. But ,that being only her outer facade. When you get to know her, she can be very happy at times and is very reliable. It takes a while to gain her trust, some more than others. But, once you are able to gain her trust, she is very open and very reliable. She believes the true you is the best you. Though, at times, this may not apply to herself......


  1. Usually starts dancing whenever she hears music
  2. starts to randomly sing along to any song that she hears, not mattering the time and place
  3. Usually has nightmares on a daily basis
  4. over works herself usually, causes her to gain a fever or faint
  5. Always sleeps with a stuffed bunny her mom made her for her 5th birthday
  6. always has her sketchbook, pencils, and watercolors with her, since she loves to draw her surroundings
  7. Has a Shepherd puppy name Rei


  1. ​animals
  2. skateboarding/ rollerblading
  3. pranking
  4. rapping
  5. dancing
  6. pranking
  7. fencing, weapon being saber


  1. ​abusive people
  2. fakies
  3. "wannabes"
  4. skinship


  1. ​abusement, past experience
  2. abandonment, past experience
  3. nightmares, has daily nightmares


  1. ​bites her nails when angry
  2. goes to bed late(last one up)
  3. when tired, she punches the first thing she sees
  4. tends to bring abandoned or lost animals home



Family:Moon Tae-Hyun || 48 || CEO of electronics company(Elec-Trodez) || 5 || step-father

Lee SunHi || 44 || Designer || 5 || mother

Moon JongUp || 18 || Dancer of BAP || 5 || step-brother

Background:At the age of 10, her father abandoned her and her mother for a younger woman. He took all of the money in the bank account and left. Her mother was heart broken, and MyungHee was in shock. But, she didn't stay like that for long, since her mother was now heartbroken and not able to anything at the moment, MyungHee took charge. She would wake up bright and early in the morning and go deliver newspapers. she would return home when done and make her mother breakfast before going off to school. Even though she had a full plate, she never failed to keep her grades at the top. She tried her hardest to keep what was left of this family still alive and working. Her mother saw how hard Myunghee was working, and how hard her daughter was trying to take responsibility of providing for them. This inspired her mother to go and take back the responsibilty and take care of her daughter, she went back to work. But, MyungHee still kept up her busy days. About 4-5 years later, her mother found someone new. She introduced the man to MyungHee, and at first sight, MyungHee hated him. She didn't trust easily anymore, and didn't usually give others a chance. But, she saw how happy her mother was around this man, happier than when she was with MyungHee's real father, and her mother's happiness is her happiness. She loved seeing her mom happy once again, and wanted her to stay happy. Her mother got more serious with the guy, and MyungHee found out he had a son from his previous marriage. MyungHee didn't trust the son either, but after spending more time together she slowly warmed up to him. She got to know the man that was dating her mother, more. She started to warm up to the man as well, and started to feel happier around him, and would think that she is glad that it is he that restored her mother's love.

The year of MyungHee's 16th birthday, her mother officially became the fiance to the man. MyungHee was glad for the soon to be husband and wife, and was a little glad to have a brother. A month, after her 16th birthday, the happy couple got married. And the two small, broken families became one large, happier, and content family. MyungHee was happy and content with her new family. She wished that the family she had now, would last forever. She was glad to be able to have a family such as her's. Her past concerning her real father is all that is, just the past. She is now going towards the future and never looking back. Two small broken family, became one family happy family that was content with their present lives.

Can you feel the love tonight?

Love Intrest: Myungsoo

Age: 18

His job:Waitor and/or Photographer

Personality:Funny, cheerful(but not hyper), and calm/cool. He is that type who's smile can light up a wholr room ,or make the people around him smile as well. He is kind-hearted and caring, he thinks of others before himself, and would help anyone out if in any trouble. He is also very laid-back not the type to have many troubles in the world, he enjoys life and does what he wants with it. He is also artistic and has an eye for capturing great photos, thus making him the photographer. He is protective of those close to him, and would make sure they were always safe. Although, at times he can be cold and distant, but that only being when he feels jealous or as a facade he puts on to keep his cool outer demeanor.

First meeting:They were both rushing around town, trying to be where they need to go. Then they crashed into one another, causing both of their things to drop. They hurriedly grapped their "stuff" or what they assumed was their's, they were both in a hurry so they just grapped something without even looking. They both got up and bowed to each other and apologized. Then hurried off to where they were going again. MyungSoo was about to check the time on his cellphone, but noticed it was no where to be found, instead he found a phone that had a resemblance to his, but wasn't his phone. He then noticed it was probably the girl's phone! The same went for MyungHee, she was waiting for an important call that was suppose to happen soon, and she searched for her phone in her bag, but found a different one. She then started to curse and rant. "Her"(aka his) phone rang and she picked it up, seeing it was her number on the caller ID, she told the person on the other line to meet at this cafe nearby to exchange belongings, he agreed.

They were both given back their rightful stuff and apologized once again, after the little incident they decided to get to know each other a little more, since they were curious of one another since they crashed into each other. So after, they decided to chat a little, and by the end of the day they exchanged numbers, with their rightful phones.

Relationship:At first, they didn't have the best interaction, since they met when bumping into one another and accidently taking each other's stuff instead of their own. But, after they started to talk to one another more, they started to warm up to each other and got comfortable with one another's company. They started to grow closer, and soon became great friends. 

Back-up Love Intrest: Sungyeol

Age: 18

Job: [Same as above :)]

Personality: Happy-go-lucky and a spitting definition of "Happy Virus". When around him, you can't help but smile along with him. His smile and laugh are contagious, and he loves to spred the joy around. He has a cheerful and energetic attitude. The type to keep going amd try his best. he is the type to never give up and work hard until he passes out. He can also be the jealous type. When he sees the girl he likes talking with another guy, he would jump straight to comclusions and become very cold and angry towards everyone.

First Meeting: [same as above :)]

Relationship: They have an okay relationship. Myunghee admires him for his go-getter and up-beat attitude. They are not the closest, but are pretty close. He doesn't know of her past or dark secrets. But, she does share her issues and problems with him from time to time. He feels as though he can be himself around her, and vice-versa. She feels safe and comfortable when talking to him, he is a person that would never go back on his word, making him ver reliable.

Let's get down to buisness!


What Job did you apply to:Zoo Assistant

Why do you want this job:She loves animals, and being around them. She loves to hold them and care for them as well. She even tends to bring home abandoned dog or cats that she find in the streets. She has a passion for taking care of animals and is happy when around them. She hopes to spread that joy around to the kids at the park as well.

Other Job you're willing to do:Photographer

Almost there!!

Scene Request:Um...maybe a scene where Myunghee and her love interest run into one another since the animal she was holding at the time and bringing around the park, jumped out of her hands. :) Thanks~ :)

Comments:Hope it''s good enough :) if not, pleease tell me what I should add or fix please :) thanks~ :)

Extras:n/a :)


 Back to the fun! 



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