
Hello there!! To all my friends and readers, I won't be on AFF for more than about an hour or 30 minutes. I'm going on a spring break trip and I will be busy. I also will be going on Easter vacation a day after I come back. But I'll try to be on as much as possible. I won't be updating until Friday or next Tuesday. 

P.S. If there was a possibility of you sharing a room with someone you hate the most, and you couldn't switch rooms or anything you had to deal with it, how would you deal with that?


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OhKrisus #1
Kill'em in the silence of the night with a pillow. ^^

*whisper* It works EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
I had to share a room with an assistant manager from a rival store to mine, who was a complete and total ____. And so I took my ipod and some good books, and never spoke a word the entire week. =)
Good luck!!!
aww... take care on your trip...
if that beeetch is your room mate, i advise being ____ier and pissing her off so she transfers herself. hehehe
I will ignore them as best as I can. Or stay out of that room the most. Or the other way around in case my things were messed with and stuff. But I'd probably be the bigger person and act civilized. (Although the person I hate would probably end up with a broken limb anyways since they're a pimple on an armpit)