I've Learned Two Korean Songs... Can I Memorize A Japanese One?

I've learned the OST Closer by Taeyeon and the other OST Stand Up by J. Min (this song was in Korean). Is Japanese harder or easier to memorize? If the majority of you say a Japanese song is easier to learn, I'll start. If most of you say it's harder, I probably won't... The Korean songs were easy for me, do you think All My Love Is For You will be?




This is what I've memorized (or tried to memorize xD) so far:


Atarashii machi de notta

Densha no mado utsutta

Fuan-souna me wo ta watashi wa



that's it

roll like a buffalo outta here!




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LeeJuLian #1
Really, I think it's the same ^^
Though Japanese syllabs are often shorter and with more consonants (or at least it seems so, to me)... :P
And the words are rather shorter u_u
But I prefer Korean :3