K-pop is being taken away from Int. Fans.

UMG has the right to block any music from any country. It's going to block all K-pop related MV's, music et cetera from any international country that's NOT Korea. Great! Us International fans are losing the only thing that's been giving Korean pop companies the money they get and the fame the groups deserve. K-pop is actually not THAT popular as it seems. There may be overplayed songs and lots of CF's, commercials, et cetera but not everyone likes it. 

Most of K-pop's popularity came from us, this entire and united fandom of people from different countries that support these bands. We're 99% of these groups' views and downloads. What if Koreans in different countries want to listen to their own culture's music? They can't, it's been taken away from them. Shame on UGM! This is pure racism~ Cube Ent. already blocked Troublemaker, and some countries can't listen to BtoB. Wow.

Go on Instagram and Twitter or anywhere that has hashtag feature, use the hashtag #giveuskpop to trend it! Now~ let's not have our only joy in Korean music stolen from us~! 


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It's really NOT fair that they are doing this. Im a dancer that dance to like to dance to kpop music. They can't do this. UNACCEPTABLE WHAT SO EVER!!!.....They also blocked 4Minute Volume Up! DX