Here's some biases of mine~



I'm gonna write my biases for some of the groups i like~


Hehehe~ If you don't mind, you can tell me yours too! ^-^



Beast- Lee Kikwang (He's the combination of dorky, cute, y ;) His y husky voice is very special~ )


Super Junior- Cho Kyu Hyun (Evil maknae with a sharp tongue but i really like this characteristic of his and i LOVE his voice)


SHINee- Key (His diva-ness is what i like about him, and the way he dance is like you can feel his power)


Exo K- Chanyeol M- Kris  (I love them!!! XD Krisyeol as well, so i'm really happy when they have moments~~ Both y, cute, tall, handsome, charismatic and dorky at times. I <3 /ship them with all my heart)


Teen Top - L.Joe & Chunji(Cheon ji?) (i'm more biased towards L.joe, compared to Chun ji haha~) These two cute little dorks are just forever catching my eye when i'm watching their MV.


B1A4 - Gong Chan and Jin Young (More to Gong Chan) Gong Chan is just so sweet and any girl that be his future wife will be soooo blessed! Jin Young is a really talented dude and well~ he's sweet too~


VIXX - I kinda like Hong Bin and N (their position revolves everytime...)


Infinite - Myung Soo and Sungyeol ( I ship them as well hurhur~~~~~ A bit like krisyeol up there but I'm still shipping my krisyeol harder than this two...)


B.A.P - Zelo, Yong Guk (XD Ship these two~ I secretly ship banghim as well. Guilty as charged. :P )



Can't think of any group yet...wait for part two then? kekekeke~


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you forever krisyeol one la. XD
Your 'biases' could be said to be 'my FAVOURITE ships' for quite a few cases :p
You know mine so ya, enough said :p