"Him" :P

*sigh* There's this guy in my class that is like so frickin..idek. He's really funny, and...

I like him >.<

THERE! I SAID IT. He's just awesome and cute and yeah. >/////<

Like, today at lunch, I was TRYING to tell mah friends about this extra credit stuff in math and no one was listening >:U

but him >///<

Seriously tho. He's really nice but kinda only to people who he really knows.but he's not cold and dark or anything >.<  he's really sweet. 

Like candy.

He's also really cute. Like today in spanish, he puffed out his cheeks and Omahgawsh, it was adorable. 

Oh my bunnies this boy is gonna be the death of me.

Any advice my precious bubbles?


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Confess!! He must be the best guy ever. And he's so my dream dude but don't worry I'm still young keke I won't steal him from you!