i needz to rant

k, so this is partly my fault any way for leaving so much of my essay until today to finish, but this is so freakin' stupid.

it's not even the finished product that's due, either, it's the rough copy.

i get that ranting on for 25 pages about horror movies isn't hard -- it really isn't -- but my focus is shot.

see, i got sick last week -- viral infection in my throat i think -- and it was, like, my super busy week for college since i had a testand, like, 3 assingments due and it was just so freakin' stressful that i almost had a panic attack.

see, i'm the type of person who leaves things to the last minute. i have psychology stuff to back me up on this being part of my personality, too.

pointi is,i was getting better on sat. but i went out on sun. in the cold wind --Canada in March ain't warm people -- to help my dad bring down a dead tree and now i'm sick all over again.

but this time i have a wicked cough that is keeping me up at night -- monday night i was up from 1 to 3 hacking up my left lung

so i just needed to rant about how i'm so sick i feel dead and i'm trying to write my 25 page essay with no focus.

gods, i want to die.

the supid thing is due in, like, 3 hours.

not even half done, i have around 10 pages


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