Depression and matinance

K so remember when I posted that I had to break the news of moving to the love of my life.... Blah blah blah over exaggeration. Well he decided "I won't have to deal with you next year, so I'm going to go ahead and date a girl I know you hate" (backstory: I'm the nerdy girl, he's the football player) I should have seen this conning a mile away. He is now dating a cheerleader and it hurt a lot when I found out because when I had told him I was moving, my exact words to him were "my parents decided to have a midlife crisis and the end of the school year might be the last time I ever see you. My parents decided we're moving to Texas. At first I thought it would be no big deal, but then I realized letting you go would be the hardest. You know I love you David, as a friend and something more and I hope you can accept that when i have to say goodbye." (This was yesterday) and then today all around school is this news that he's dating some new girl. (As in a new girlfriend, not as in new girl to the school) and I find out that its this cheerleader chic and he tells me that he didnt know how to respond when I told him I loved him. I'm sorry but if you don't know how to respond, you don't go and get a new girlfriend... Especially when this one girl said she loves you which obviously means she's more than willing to date you! Anyway... It'll be an interesting couple of months as I tie loose ends together. 




Now o to the matinance thing. Yeah I was looking back on my older posts..... Yeah I need to go and correct some of those. And since I've been doing this off my phone..... I need a laptop. I really do. This would be much easier. (While typing this I'm thinking of when Eli posted "the keys on an iPhone are so close together I often spell thongs wrong" and at 9 at night on a school night with a cold. I'm giggling...alone... AKA dissaster) so ill try to make these posts as grammatically correct as possible. (Maybe I should type slower.... Hmmmm) 



















P.S. did you happen to notice that parenthesis are like my best friends?


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