Dragon Age: Origins (SHINee Edition - Application) - Song ChaeEun


Application Form


Song ChaeEun




SHINee Girl

Username: cat-turtle

What You Want Me To Call You : Amanda

Activeness: 10




Dream Girl

Origin: Magi

Name: Song ChaeEun

Race: (City) Elf

Age: 24

Class: Mage

Specializations: Shape shifter, Spirit Healer

Weapon of Choice: Staff, Bow and Arrows(?)


Girls Girls Girls

Ulzzang Name: Sin Bi

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Backup Ulzzang Name: Song Ah Ri

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5



Personality: Dearest ChaeEun was raised with the utmost elegance. She is true queen, even if her blood-line says otherwise. Being brought up in this way, she is quite refined in all that she does. As a lady, ChaeEun speaks with grace and poise, but only when she feels it's necessary. She enjoys riddles and metaphors, and loves to tease others, leaving them confused when she makes analogies. ChaeEun also has an opinion about everything. Though very polite, she is a bit of a spoiled girl, and likes to get what she wants. It's not uncommon for her to use her shape shifting abilities to take what she wants and needs. 

As well as elegant, ChaeEun is intelligent. Quick-witted, she easily finds her way out of though situations, however this is limited to evading capture by (physically and mentally) weaker opponents (city guards, wild animals, city folk, etc.), and escaping events she wishes not to be at (parties, meetings, etc., but again, they're supervised by opponents not of her level). 

ChaeEun has a bit of a temper. She plans things carefully, so she becomes distressed and agitated when things don't go as planned. She takes pride in this game of cause and effect, but is cautious not to make wrong moves so that she doesn't get herself into trouble. Looking at all possible outcomes of all possible situations, ChaeEun is observant and treats life like a game: one must play carefully and strategically in order to win.

Loyalty is questionable for her. ChaeEun picks and chooses sides according to what best suits her needs and wants but also to make herself a valuable player. She knows constant switching can give her a reputation of untrustworthy, but with her abilities as a shape shifter and a spirit healer, ChaeEun can afford this "small" set back. This being said, she'll sometimes think to highly of herself and underestimate her opponents and allies. The exception is with the ones she loves. It takes much for her to trust someone that much, but once she loves (whether it's romantic, family, or friendly) she becomes fiercely protective. This also extends to her possessions. There are some things that you just don't touch.

These things make ChaeEun a refined, royal person who's a bit mischievous, however these strengths mask her weaknesses. ChaeEun honestly hates war, and violence, only because it results in so much death. Though not afraid of dying herself, ChaeEun would rather find a peaceful solution to conflict, rather than battling it out. In combat, this results in an inability to kill. She'll badly wound, but rarely is it fatal, and never would she kill. When she does do damage, ChaeEun ensures the wounds won't kill; they may permanently immobilize the opponent, but never kill. This is why she wishes for the war to end, and is trying to find a way to do that without spilling more blood.

Her greatest weakness is that she cannot leave someone to die. Despite how much she may hate or despise the opposing party, she won't let them die. This also holds true in battle. She'll never kill, and though she won't interfere with an ally's fight, if she can help it, she won't let the opponents die. They may not be able to walk or use the rest of their limbs, but they won't be dead.

ChaeEun can be a bit confusing with her personality. Her attitude is actually quite aggressive, but she cannot kill. She doesn't like showing those weaknesses, but they shine through anyway.

Basic Traits: Elegant, arrogant/vain, spoiled, questionable loyalty, protective, michievous, dislikes death, judgemental




To be admired

Being clean


Drawing unnecessary attention to herself

Rude, manner-less people

Being dirty

Watching others die


Likes to shape shift into a small animal (usually a cat, or blue jay) and roam around the city

Often takes walks (usually as a wolf) in the wilds at night


When uncomfortable or scared (but trying not to show it), ChaeEun will cross her arms

When she knows she's interrogating or teasing someone, she'll walk around them in circles to add more pressure and annoy them further. 

Trivia: Secretly loves children, and honestly wishes she could be a mother, but all males she's met aren't up to her standards. 

Being a shape shifter, ChaeEun is a very good spy. She's nearly mastered all the natural actions of cats, birds, and wolves, so she's harder to detect as a shape shifter.




(First person point of view!)

Elves: We are a grand people that have fallen so far. We in the cities are slowly being reduced to nothing more than humans. The children have begun to act like humans, speak as they do, and even question our traditions. We are not meant to be slaves. We are not meant to be humans. It's pitiful how far we've fallen.

The Dalish are the only remaining examples of the greatness we once beheld. They who refused capture, refused the life of slavery, hold my utmost respect and admiration. I long to be what they are, yet cannot leave the city. Though I take what I want from whom I want, I cannot idly stand by while my people die at the hands of these humans. The Dalish are our noblemen; our greatest.

We as a people are magnificent. If only I lived during the prime of the elves. Such beauty and grace are but a rarity in times such as these. I long for the day when our people may return to glory.

Humans: By the hands of humans, we crawl in the wilds, or suffer under their laws. We are reduced to slaves, or beasts. There is no median. They are misguided fools, who are greedy for power they are not worthy of; greedy for power they are not capable of controlling. Though this greed controls them, they are no more than mere children finding their way in the world. They know not what is best though they try to help themselves. The know not of the dangers they inflict, and their young, selfish nature holds little concern for others.

Dwarves: Pitiful creatures. They smell of sweat and rock. Consisting of all things earthen, yet nothing of beauty, respect is present only for their culture. Their technological craft is far beyond anything imaginable. Though I prefer the magic and tradition of the elves, dwarven technology is truly amazing.

Mages: Though I myself am a mage, there is much to say about those who wield magic. Too often I see those who kill with this great power. Though it is a power of grace and elegance, those who slay with it do not deserve this power.

No matter the mage, we all poses grace. As I spoke, magic is a beautiful power, and race matters not when it is beheld. The Arcane Warriors and Battle Mages possess great ability in battle. They have strong presence and are very respectable. Shape shifters and Spirit Healers, like myself, are like royalty; true grace and elegance at it's finest. 

Only blood mages are a class not worthy of their power. How far are you willing to go for such power? They are no better than greedy humans.

The Chantry: I cannot begin to understand why you must force all to believe what you do. Never can the world  induct such teachings into their lives; not willingly believing in them. Do you wish to raise a generation that only believes what you do? There will always be we who fight for our tradition. Though some fight with blood lust, we will not give in to this terror. I shall never be forced away from by beliefs. If the Chantry cannot accept that....then I'll find a way to stop this obsessive conversion.

Grey Wardens: In preset times, the Grey Wardens are almost something of legend. However, these individuals are great and mighty, despite what may be said. I cannot say I enjoy all who are members, but all members are worthy of their titles. These individuals are exceptionably accomplished, so I see no reason to harbor hatred for them....even if not all members are necessarily up to my standards.

Dogs: Dogs resemble light and dark. They can be noble, graceful, and brave, or dirty, wild, beastly mongrels. I care little for these creatures, as they are often the latter.




Romeo and Juliet

(Not first person point of view!)

Love Interest: Key

How You Act Around Each Other: Key and ChaeEun are an unlikely pair not because they are different, but because they are similar. Though these similarities are foremost difficult to identify, they show themselves not long after their first meeting. Both are shapeshifters, mages, a bit vain, and a bit judgmental. Such similarity would seem to disallow romance, but these traits give them something to fight over. 

They are the violent couple who fights back and forth, but still love each other. They may have different views, she may love to , he may fond of indirectly insulting her, but this bickering only makes them think about each other more. It's like a tennis match of insults flying back and forth. Constantly. Sometimes their fighting will become quite heated, but instead of bringing in physical violence, they'll end up in fits of laughter over the ridiculousness of it all.

Originally, this couple said little more than insults to each other, but as they interacted more and more, their relationship grew. They tend not to be very physical around others, but are constantly in each other's arms when no one else is around.  They bicker less when they're alone, and don't say as much, but instead just enjoy each other's company. 

In the presence of others, they bicker much more, and are cautious about touching each other. However, they are both very protective of each other and stick like glue if a battle situation arises. ChaeEun doesn't like to show it, but she worries about Key much more than he'd like, and has since they first met. Key, on the other hand, will be a little more open about protecting her, especially around other males. Particularly the "noble Dalilsh warriors" (as ChaeEun puts it).

They enjoy sitting together in the moon light while shape shifted into a common animal, and racing through the wilds together.

How You Want Your Love Story To Unfold: Like I've states, I'd love for them to be a violent couple. Originally, they fight, and they bicker, and annoy everyone around them with it, but slowly their affection shows. They start having "worry fights" where they're fighting, but instead of tossing insults back and forth, they're yelling about how "you could've gotten yourself killed!" "well you nearly got your head cut off!" "don't do those kinds of things!" "Well if you'd stop scaring me by jumping in front of me right before I attack-" and so on and so forth. Their companions are the first to notice the subtle attraction, but after a while, Key and ChaeEun start to notice their feelings as well.


The Reason

(First person point of view! Again!)

Magi: I would be hesitant to assist. How much of a friend are you? Should we have mutual trust, then I shall help you escape. Should you trust me, but I hold little confidence in you, then I'll leave you to be captured. I will say nothing to the First Enchanters, but do my best to assure that you'd be made Tranquil rather than die.



(First person point of view! Again! Again!)

Death: Death can be but a noble thing, but also something to be wary of. If I am to die, I wish for it to be of good cause, not something meaningless. I will resist, but if death claims me, then so it shall be.

The Toll: Lowlifes. I shall not kill them nor pay them, but rather ensure they no longer have use of their legs and then turn them in to the authorities.

The Target: Yes, they will be spared. I shall never kill. This assassin shall be crippled, however.

The Threat: Excuse me? Eliminate my brothers and sisters of magic? Have you drunk too much mead? The Abominations will not be freed. Not while I'm alive. I would save as many mages as possible. (An example of her arrogance and over confidence in herself)

The Attack: I shall heal whom I can for as long as I can. Few deserve death, and innocent towns people are not those few. Undead are some of those few, however. They deserve a true death, only to be put out of the misery they suffer. Dying is horrible, but living in death is so much worse. (Note: ChaeEun would have trouble killing the undead, but she still would...cause technically they're already dead...)

The Problem Child: This child shall not die, nor shall any of my comrads. I shall go alone and risk my own life to save this child. Children are the least deserving of death, so better I die than they be killed.

The Ashes: Though I disagree with converting all to worship the maker, I choose to preserve the ashes. There is no need to anger those already in power. As for the cult, may they receive what they deserve for attempting to make a bad problem worse. 

The Scholar: Would the revealing of these ashes anger the Chantry? If so, then I know not what I may do. Never would I kill, however, I wish to avoid unnecessary blood shed by revealing something that's possibly very controversial. (She'd probably end up letting the scholar reveal them)

The Hunt: Though grand creatures, I'd not risk anything at the expense of the Dalish. There must be ways to subdue wearwolves aside from death. That is how I shall deal with these beasts. (She'd end up not doing anything at first but in fear of the Dalish being harmed, she'd kill some wearwolves then have some sort of a mental breakdown from doing so.)

The Throne: The Throne goes to the wise advisor. Who better to lead than (s)he who is wise. (S)he can teach the prince to be wise, and less rash. 

The Slavers: I know of something magnificent called a plan. These elves shall be "captured" in echange for information, however they'd be very much able to escape. (Again, arrogance. The elves woul end up being captured, or her plan is shot down and she ends up saving them)

The Traitor: I rarely kill. He would be spared, at the risk of my own life, although I shall cripple him.

The King : The late king's wife would take the throne. By order of hierarchy, she retains claim to the throne unless the King claimed otherwise in his lifetime.


Last Gift

Questions: Are the weapons alright? I wasn't too sure what to put down as the mage information only listed staffs as a weapon. I'd think rather than a secondary weapon, she'd just attack in some shape shifted animal form, right?

Comments: Hi. I've never actually played Dragon Age, so sorry if some of this is a bit off. However, it sounded really interesting so I just had to apply. Please don't kill me for reading the wiki on the game....

Suggestions: None! 


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