What to do When You're Feeling Down and can Hardly Stop Crying?

So..the title says most of it, right? I'm fine..Just kind of mad..It's personal problems..Well, I can't really stop crying, and I'm feeling sad..I don't even know why I'm sad..I'm angry..but I feel sad too, for some reason..Anyone know what I can do? If you know anything funny, please share it with me..


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roll like a buffalo lol
Oooh!! Oooooh!! Ooooooh!! (Errrr, I'm not )
CHOCOLATE does the trick! You gain a few pounds, yes but heck! It's ____ing good! (Sorry for my language). .It's like having ___ but not really having . Gaaaah, you know what I mean. //blush//
sorry! i just get excited when it comes to food. Kekeke..
Oooh!! Ooooooh!!! Oooooooh!! How about CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES!!!
Gaaaaaaaah!!!! I'm making myself hungry!
if u have clay or play dough or anything you can shape with (use paper if u have to)...make the shape or structure of the person/thing u are angry/sad about and punch the hell out of it.
Then shape it up again.
Punch,squeeze curse at it as if that dough/clay or whatevr is the real person/thing.
I use to have art therapy in this aftrschool program and she told me to do tht...
not sure if it workss cuz i haven't tried it buuuttttttt...hope it helps
hope u feel bettr :)
The best way... Pray and talk to God. :)

Watch this ^^ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzzaU4LM-2U
When I'm sad I always look this at my purse. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-umZSKiRwYzw/T_spg0gGY5I/AAAAAAAAPXI/rxGyxrKKzyo/s1600/funny-animal-captions-003.jpg
JamieBower #7
Hey :3 I would recommend getting some tasty snack, like right now im munchin on some oreo icecream, and then wonder off to the land of youtube too see some of that bingu top, or aegyo that we love from various leaders, (look up failed aegyo too, its sooo adorable)
I hope i helped?