Is Ailee Kyuhyun’s ideal type?


Kyuhyun revealed what kind of girls were his ideal type.

Super Junior and Ailee were interviewed for ‘Section TV‘, where the interviewer pointed out Kyuhyun’s comment he said once about never being in a relationship. Even though he’d cleared up on his Twitterthat it was a misunderstanding and that he had dated before, the members still made fun of him on the show.

He was of course then asked about his ideal type, where he revealed, “I like women with pretty foreheads. Ailee’s forehead is pretty incredible.

Ailee replied, “My forehead is my own“, and Shindong of course had to add on, “I bought my eyes“, causing everyone to laugh.

Check out their interview below!


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I love them both but I don't think Ailee & Kyuhyun put together is good. I would still ship SeoKyu. /nods
Sariita #2
They'll look cute together I think?
I love Ailee and kyuhyun so much, but not as one or together. ailee is one of my idols but FOR ME it's a no no for kyulee(?). cause i'm still a pure KYUNA lover and always will be.

but in the end i think i will accept it if it's really true. just "ideal type" not "crush". think positive XD. i wish both of them the best in their careers^.^
I still like SeoKyu better but Aliee and Kyu don't look
Bad together :b
awww so cute :3