Scared again. Yay -.-"

Wut. Okkay so this stupid bunny (Yes, I resemble a bunny in personality xD) kinda sent in an application to X-Faktor. I'd been called in for next week. Guys, I hadn't sung in weeks! I have no idea what to do and I don't even have 3 songs I can sing right now. What can I do??? Help me T.T

So yeah, I'm panicking more than ever. Actually, I do have songs I could sing but... yeah xD So... whattodo whattodo? *mlp fim reference just for the heck of it on Rainbow's voice xD*


Edit : I felt like sharing my fantastic skills with you xD So here, that's me xD (and I know, it's full of mistakes but I got better since then xD)


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You sound really good!
Sorry I only listen to kpop songs. ^^"
I can always ask my friends (they don't listen to kpop), and maybe they can help. :3
Hehe~ cudos! ^-^
Is that you singing ? The video you have posted? Cuz you sound awesome :)

As for suggestions, nope no idea :( but do you sing slow songs? I listen to a few English songs. So if you tell me what sorts of songs you are looking for i MIGHT be able to suggest one or two :)
Mr_Koala #4
Good luck ^^
Don't have any suggestions, but you can always look at the charts for some ideas. Hopefully.
Oh my... If it gets aired... I don't know... Tell your parents to record it and then post it in youtube so that I can watch~~~

Sorry sweetheart... I have no suggestions cuz I only listen to kpop and yeah... I don't think you wanna sing kpop on X-Faktor xD
(Sorry I don't really know you, but I just happened to come across this blogpost.)
X-FACTOR. I bet you're amazing; just chillax :)
Are you allowed to sing Korean songs? e u e