Missing em T^T


 University life is really way different from other stages of study. It is where you find yourself and also the point in time where you and your closest friends fall apart especially when you belong to different colleges, schools and the presence of profound relationships. Conflicts occur and poof everything you’ve hope to last forever starts to vanish and no matter how much you try to chase it up you can never reach it once again…


For I wishful thinking, I want to find a genie that can grant my wish… to have everything return to the way it was. That time where we are all happy laughing, singing and dancing together where nothing mattered but the presence of one another. Quite impossible but that’s what I ever wanted now.


Lately ive found this piece of paper with my name on it and some clues. I don’t know if it actually belong to that person that I always call my second mom but I can hope right? Could it be a sign? Can things go back to normal? Can we still connect the broken string of friendship? Or am I wishing for too much?


I might act normal… but deep inside I feel lonely without them by my side…



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T.T ale..... I want to cry popcorn..
you know i understand what u mean but yes i believe its a sign for things to be fixed, you guys maybe be far but the hearts are still there so hwaiting!!! ^-^