Xiumin of Exo

Before you read the following passage, please note and understand that this blog post was made four months ago. A lot can change within four months, so please acknowledge that before you continue on reading. thanks.






Kim Minseok.


Jin Min Shuo.


Have you ever stopped to actually think about this one guy from Exo?


Well, if you haven't, then take a moment to read this blog post. What I'm about to write has my sincere feelings in it and my opinions, too.






Oh, you know him already. The "baozi".


But did you know that he's the oldest? That he stepped down from being the leader in Exo-M in fear of the members not listening to him, handing the 
job to Kris?


Sure, well maybe you already knew that.




He's that one guy who isn't the most popular one in the group. That one member that you know the name of and that's apparently enough. The one who 
you like the least out of all of Exo-M.




This guy got in to SME by landing 2nd place in the Everysing contest. Do you know how hard that is? You have to have talent. And this guy is the one.



Xiumin isn't known as the "good-looking" or "y" guy. He's known as the "chubby baozi" or "not-so-good-looking" one. He, too, has insecurities.
Xiumin watches out for his diet, like all idols do. He already knows all of his flaws. But he works hard on fixing them. Yet he just can't seem to be as good as the other members of Exo. 

Do you even know why, though?

....He was born like that. His chubby cheeks? Born with them, too. Maybe he has slow metabolism and struggles to maintain his weight.



Apparently, some "exotics" don't like Xiumin and want him kicked out of the group. How could you even consider yourselves as "exotics" if you say things 
like that?



Even when Exo first debuted, Xiumin wasn't all that popular. Nowadays, Exo has many, many fans. Yet it doesn't seem like Xiumin is gaining a fair portion 
of the fame. He's part of the group, too. He worked his  off to get in Exo and debut successfully, just like the other members.



Xiumin is a little isolated from Exo-M, yes. But isn't that partly because of the language barrier? Chen and him are struggling, and they're trying the best 
they can. Chen was the last member to join, so maybe he isn't all that comfortable with the members. This isn't a good thing for Xiumin, especially since 
he's Korean. Wouldn't you find trying to learn a new language (that is one of the hardest languages to learn next to English) without anyone that speaks 
your native language near you extremely difficult?


Since he is Korean, Xiumin could find being around Exo-K members more comfortable. However, they're separated by the sea, miles apart. Thus, 
Xiumin may feel more isolated and a bit lonelier.



The minute you sign the contract to become an official trainee, you will never get your life back. Even when you quit being a trainee. Do you know why?


You'll always have that little nagging feeling in the back of your mind. Wondering 24/7 if it was really a good idea to quit being a trainee. Chances are, 
once you resign from being a trainee, you will most likely never have the opportunity to become one again.


This is what Xiumin decided on. This was going to be his future path. The moment he signed the agreement contract, he gave up everything else.


But I doubt that who he is today is what Xiumin had in mind.




Xiumin was supposed to be the lead dancer in Exo-M. He is an excellent dancer, really. But because of his looks/figure, apparently, he didn't become the 
lead dancer. He's also a really good singer; Xiumin also had the chance of becoming the main vocal. The reason why he didn't become the main 
vocal is the same reason as for the lead dancer. I will admit that I feel that the company isolates him, too; unintentionally or intentionally.




This is the guy that stands in the back that we're talking about. The one who supports his fellow members, pushing himself further away from his future 
goals. The one who adds helpful comments about his members, gaining a bit more popularity.


Xiumin's always the one who stands in the back, away from the cameras while thinking that he has to make the camera focus more on his other members.



If you look deeper into this subject, you'll notice a lot of things.


The way that Xiumin hung at the back of the group while at Disneyland, carrying his members' bags and out of the pictures.

There's not a lot of pictures/fancams of him, either. And there also isn't a lot of blogs dedicated to him.


But I'm always there, sitting behind my laptop and thinking.

What did Xiumin ever do to deserve this?


Xiumin is the one who worked extra hard and put more effort into his job, just because he only trained for a short time (compared to other trainees). But 
doesn't this also mean that the company thought that Xiumin was good enough to debut earlier than most trainees?



Try looking from his point of view.


Watching your members gain more popularity as you help them. Giving up your film time to your members. Staying out of the camera's view. Saying 
little comments that help enforce good ideas about your fellow members.


Then try thinking about how he might feel inside.




Proud of your members, maybe.


Xiumin worked hard enough that he could easily surpass any new rookies in a blink of an eye. But what does he get in return?


Being known by the public, yes.

A small portion of fans (compared to the other members) out of the thousands; maybe even millions.

Experiencing things you wouldn't normally get to do every day.


But is this really fair?


Xiumin worked as hard as any of the other members.

He gave blood, sweat, toil, and tears into getting to where he stands today. Is this really all he gets for suffering and giving up his past life?






Think about this.

Don't just toss this aside and exit to another link.


I don't care if I sound like a teacher, but take a moment and think about this blog post.


Xiumin worked his  off.

He's the one trailing behind, maybe thinking that he's lacking in his skills when he's far from that and a burden to Exo-M because of his features and 
language barrier.


He could be acting every day for all we know. Well, if he is, I would give him a perfect score.


Maybe Xiumin is one of the people who paint a mask on their faces every day and force a smile on their faces. When in reality, they're hurt, lonely, and 
depressed inside.


Being trapped by mental slavery?

You can't just get out by yourself. You need help from others. And by the looks of it, it doesn't seem like he's getting much.






I know I might just look like a stupid 'exotic' who just wants to gain attention from others, but I'm really not. I don't really give a  it anyone reads this 
or not; I just want to put this out here. If anyone does end up reading this far, from the beginning to the end... Then congratulations.


I know that I'm just a stupid little 'exotic' out of countless others, but I just want to let the world know what Xiumin might be and is suffering through 
every day since he chose to become a trainee.


Those idols that you call your biases?

They're human beings. They have emotions. They can die.


Those idols have talent. That's one reason why they are who they are today. But SM goes for 20% talent and 80% looks. They believe that their classes are 
so extraordinary that they can train anyone to become a pro in different languages, dancing, singing, and others.


But this one guy in Exo has a real talent; a talent from when he was born. Not a talent he had acquired through lessons.




I am being a hypocrite here, though. I will admit that.


At first, Xiumin was just that one guy in Exo who I know the name of. But now that I actually took time to think, I truly care and understand Xiumin. I may 
sound like an obsessed stupid fan, but I don't give the slightest damn on whether you care or not.





I'm not the type of fan who goes for looks and just looks. I go for personality and songs.


This is the reason why Kim Minseok is my idol. Not idol as in the famous K-pop idols, but an actual idol that I look up to and admire. I admire Xiumin's 
strength. His passion for music. His determination and perseverance, even though things aren't going so well for him. 







- one ordinary exotic who truly cares





[ EDIT ] : I just want to note one thing from this blog post. You guys have probably already seen exo's weekly idol, am I correct? Xiumin's high notes... ing wow. He could've easily been the main vocal if he wanted to.


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zarawrshi #1
You sir/ma'am...just speak out what I have in my mind. I too, think Xiumin is too underrated, because of his 'language barrier', 'height' etc.
IDK, he's chubby, people talk (fat, round, blahblahblah), he's skinny, they still talk (anorexic, not healthy, blahblahblah). Don't they realized that they could be the reason why he is so skinny nowadays? I just don't understand them at all.
I would like to continue ranting about this matter but i'm just not good with words. And English. ._.
Whatever it is, Xiumin will forever be my bias. ;~;
*cries together with people below*

-random blogwalker
I really started to cry as I read this. Thank you so much more this post. Although Xiumin is not my EXO bias, he is my bias for EXO-M, and I think people really don't give him enough credit for all the hard work he has done.
i was crying while reading this, i spent my whole day finding proof to my sister that xiumin is under appreciated. When my sister first got her exo-m poster (she's an excotic i kinda like exo) xiumin caught my eye but my sister said he looked creepy (she cried when she read this now she feels bad)i thought his smile was the most beautiful thing ever he looked so unique, then i noticed that hardly anyone talks to him besides chen and luhan. Every interview i would watch i would only do it in hopes of xiumin getting the spot light for once, he rarely gets any singing parts and usually chen points out stuff about xiumin during interviews because no one else cares and he's just there trying to make everyone look good with his compliments, now even though he lost weight people still call him baozi i wonder if they ever thought he lost weight just to get rid of the nickname he is perfect to me and i love xiumin the first thing i look for in an exo picture is him because he is 100% talent and SM needs to realize that we love him a lot. Call me crazy but i think xiumin is more attractive than the rest of the members to me he will always be more beautiful than kris and kai because he has a good heart he's beautiful and he should get what he deserves. (im not saying i dont like the rest of exo because i love them but to me xiumin is the one that shines, he stands out and nothing will change my opinion on the beautiful minseok plus we need more xiumin fanfictions.
PS. I saw their childhood faces.. ;o I must say that Xiumin is one of those handsome teenage boys.. I got creeped out when I saw Lay's. o.o
First, I hated SM because they have that BIASES. Second, because of some rumors that SM needs more views of EXO-Wolf then give the fans gift. At first, I didn't like Xiumin because of his scary eyes (like Tao's), but when I took a look at those fanfics, Xiumin got less of fanfics, it was always Luhan, Kris, and Sehun? I think so. I pitied him. I the replay button of their MVs, and I think, he is really better than other members. He became my bias, not because of pity, because I think he really deserve to be. Not like others who just did cute poses and such.. I hope this blog post will be read by MORE exotics.

well, my first bias was tao.. coz of the reason he knows martial arts and he was also the first EXO member i saw(teaser) but when the History MV was shoved to my face, i suddenly got attracted by xiumin's eyes, i like those slanting up eyes, and hair from their solo shots in the beginning of the song and he gave me an impression of a really cool and awesome person.. and so, he became my ultimate bias(til now) and just focus on him^^ if i were to name myself, i am a xiumin fan rather than an EXO fan, i only care about xiumin lol i wouldn't listen to any story my sister would tell me if there's no xiumin appearances, yeah just ignore me.. i respect him and he made me realize a lot of things(give your all in everything, just be yourself and many more) and also made me inspired

he may not be the main dancer but i'm glad a lot of people notices that he ain't lame when he dances, he's really great and graceful.. one can totally see that he really puts his heart into it

he may not be the main singer and i'm also glad that a lot of people find his voice appealing and amazing, he's good at rapping too! even with short lines, at least he's able to sing in a song.. but i still wish he'd sing more, of course^^

i'm glad his getting some of the limelight now.. i just hope he remains the same, humble and cool~
misslittlekiller #7
a post on tumblr http://telekineticfrost.tumblr.com/post/52014671498
ca_iu_hae #8
well said! Well yes Xiumin could have been chosen to be leader, lead dancer or lead vocalist but somehow he wasn't because of the language barrier. As a Xiumin's fan myself I can say I was quite pissed off at SM for wasting such talent. And then when I look at him performs I then realize that his dream is not just being popular among the fan but to be able to sing, dance and be on the stage. It's just as simple as that. So no need to feel so upset over the fact that he's being treated unfair. Because no matter what happens, at least Minseok knows and understands that there are many people who are still supporting him on his every move. Life can be unfair sometimes and you can choose whether to give up or to keep moving forward. And his choice is what had brought him and also us here. So I'm very proud to call myself as a Kim Minseok's fan :) Thank you for writing out what has been on my mind this whole time. Once again well done! :)
Geekella #9
wow i can't believe people have said these things about Xiumin.

The thing that got me really into EXO was the MAMA video. I liked them before too but I became a huuuuge fan once i heard the epicness of the song and the magnificence of its video.

That was when Xiumin was dubbed my favorite EXO member. I didn't have a favorite before that.

I just can't believe some people wanted him kicked out. that's so crazy.

Now that he's skinny, he has more fans. and that pisses me off.

But i'm supportive of him in the fact that he has more fans now and i hope they treat him well and like him for his amazing talent and hard work
i wanna cry! really! T.T
i noticed it too! that he is just being a wallflower when in fact, he is a well-rounded member!

he can sing but there's chen.
he's so cute but luhan is also cute.
he's good at dancing but Lay is good too.
he's good looking but there's Kris.
he's so cool but tao is there.

he needs to get the spotlight! he deserves it. not that i'm saying the others don't deserve it. i just think it's unfair how he just stands back and let the others take it all. every member of exo is equal.

I REALLY LOVE XIUMIN and I hope he gets more love because he definitely deserves all the love.
angeIicaIs #11
Xuimin.. ;A;
He really is a hard worker. I feel bad that he doesn't gain alot of attention like the other members.
He's my bias and EXO and I'm mad that fans call themselves exotics and want him to get kicked out. T'f' is wrong with you?
Xuimin should get just the same amount attention as the other members, even when he deserves the most.
He has talent and I don't know why others can see that.
Ugh, My bb Xuimin ;;A;;
chocolala #12
He is the first member I knew whose name is because he looks very distinct compared to the other members.
I think people like to forget is that EXO is a rookie group and rookie group for SM who does crap for promoting their members correctly. SM likes to focus on 2-3 people max and spend all their attention on those 3 while the others get the short end of the stick. It also doesn't help that EXO has only had one mini-album and a few appearances on variety shows. So yes it that he isn't noticed (at least he gets presents, because Chen barely gets any,), but they've only been around for a year, there is plenty of time for him to get more chances to shine, just like the rest of the members.

It's just like in Infinite, Myungsoo and Woohyun were the most popular members and now Hoya and Sunggyu can sometimes easily beat them out. It just takes time and patience.

Eventually Xiumin will be noticed, just you wait.
honestly, the first person that caught my eye when i first saw exo was xiumin.