Fullblown ing

I have this friend at my university. Let's call her P. She is really hard working and really negative and really rude at times. 


Anyway, I have been down with depression for the past 6 months, I have not eaten properly, after Christmas I have been completely unable to follow my courses and do my homework and sometimes even getting up in the morning. 


I did Latin and Ancient Greek and I HATED Ancient Greek, but it was necessary to study Latin in the long run. However, I decided, together with the guidance counsellor, that it would be better for me to stop Ancient Greek and only follow Latin, and then, if I want to study Latin or anything that requires Ancient Green, I can do that separately. 


I broke down infront of P last week because I couldn't handle it anymore. I ended up going home to my mum and just sit crying for hours because I really couldn't cope with everything. This was before I talked to the guidance counsellor and knew I could skip Ancient Greek. 


Now P just told me that she thinks I'm stupid for stopping Greek, that she thinks I should have continued no matter the cost. If I continued, I would either drop out completely or end up failing BOTH Latin and Greek. GOD, I'M SO ING ANGRY AT HER! WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!?!? ING IDIOT!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH!


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*hugs* Ummie, it'll be okay...eventually :3
I had a friend like that before.
Then she insulted my Heechul continously and.. That was the end of that :) :) :)