YOU! Listen up!


So, I've had this idea for over a year now, and I was thinking maybe I should make it real now?

All over the world, people are starving and kids, mostly girls, don't have the chance to go to school. We All know this, yet we are always benched in front of our computers and we complain about having too much homework even though we're lucky to be able to have school!
What if we, as in we K-pop fans, did something for all those kids and teens that are just like us - without having to spare a penny? In my school we once talked about how a girl had an hour long walk to her school, and another hour back home, and in London a few teenagers that were unfit started working out, taking an hour long walk everyday to show her support. They also stayed of red meat and pork because in the country that girl lived in, it was a big problem that much food that could have gone to humans went to feed pigs and cows.

I think what they did was a great idea, and one of my friends and I was thinking about starting a group, and we would be doing something simmilar but not exactly the same thing. It would have to do with not sitting as much in front of the tv or the computer, and to go out and move more, and also about eating things that are better for the world and ourselves. I have a great deal of experience with weight struggle, and I've done some volounteer work for an organisation called Plan,  so I know alot about how to take care of myself and the world at the same time, making everything better for eveyone.



So, do you think it sounds like a good idea??? It could be a great chance to show the world how nice and responsible K-pop fans are, and that K-pop gives us friends and great experience, not just computer addictions and bags under our eyes from staying up all night ;)



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hi ! i'm totally in although i live in France ...

ANYWAY it's really a great idea . It's good to see , there are still nice and caring people in this complicated world ^^
shared that on my twitter! definitly a great idea!