`〈 The Birds & The Bees 〉-- { Woo Semi. }

Application Form 
Woo Semi
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• hey, it's  p o r o r o! 


your name • Ara

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activity  8 or 9


• come join me all day my friends!


full name • Woo Semi

maiden name • Kang

nickname/s •  N/A

birthday • 1993 |06 | 12

age • 36

ethnicity • Full Korean

birthplace • Busan,  South Korea

known languages • Korean (native), English (conversational), Japanese (conversational)

blood type •  AB

ulzzang name •  Baek Su Min

photographs •  One || two || three || four || five || six

back-up ulzzang • Mirae

photographs •  One || two || three || four || five || six

height • 165 cm

weight • 51 kg

current appearance 
Her face has slimmed down over the years with the baby fat she used to have her cheeks gone.  She is also a little more curves which she gained from giving birth to her three children. When she isn't at work, she sticks to much more casual clothing  and tends to avoid wearing white all together because it stains too quickly. She usually sticks to simple jeans or shorts when it's hot with a plain shirt. Her shoes need to be made for running so she will don sneakers and flats more.

extras • She has two piercings in each ear lobe, but she tends to avoid around her kids who tends to pull on them. She only wears earrings at work.


 l i ttl e  penguin, p o r o r o!


personality •  Semi is more of a down to earth person who likes to look at everything from a rational view. She doesn't get easily ruffled up (minus when she is arguing with her husband), so she doesn't lose her temper much. She is generally a calm person with a soft grace about her that carries over to what she does on a day to day basis. She is the person who likes to take things slow and the phrase 'stop and smell the roses' deeply resonates with her. She is pretty keen to details and likes to observe everything around her. Some people say that this makes her a bit absent minded, lost in her own world (which makes her pay extra attention when she is taking care of the children).

However Semi does have negative traits just like everyone else. She is a bit too controlled in her emotions in day to day life which some people think make her detached to others. She is pretty easy to talk to, but she gives off a bit of a intimidating aura that makes people wary of her at first. She is a bit too blunt in her words, always saying what she thinks too fast. She tries to cushion her words with politeness, but they do still hurt others once in a while.  Semi is incredibly hard headed and stubborn especially when it comes to thinks she believes are the truth. She will not back down until you have an extremely good reason as to why she is wrong or she will not be swayed.

Semi tries extremely hard to be a good mother and has an soft spot for her family. When around her children, she likes to play games with them and keeps a close eye on them especially her twin boys. She smiles and laughs around her family. She is the calm to Jiho's incredibly crazy schemes and will be the voice of reason. She doesn't lose her temper much, but it does happen especially with Jiho. When they fight, she will give him the cold shoulder until they make up, but even that takes a few days especially since these two are so hard headed.

likes • -children

-waking up early

-family outings/trips

-taking walks

-oranges (her favorite fruit)


dislikes • -coffee (not too keen on it)

-when Zico does things without asking her

-wasting food

-people who smoke around her children

-salty foods

hobbies • -folding origami animals; she used to do this a lot, but with her job and her children, she has stopped. She only does it once in a while when she gets a break from work and does it with her children.

-dancing; she just likes it because it's fun to do, but it's nothing like professional dancing. It's mostly silly dances She still does this when she is cleaning the house on her break.

-baking; still does this quite a lot. She finds it relaxing from a hard day of work. She goes out of her way to do this. She often makes cookies because they're easier to do, but she loves making cakes the most. Her favorite cakes to make are cheesecakes and carrot cakes.

habits • -when she is about to lose her temper, she crosses her arms to her chest and taps her right index finger on her elbow.

-talks quickly in a Busan accent to confuse people

-she will stare at you blankly when she doesn't understand something

-she mumbles to herself when she is baking

-covers when she laughs

[trivia&extras] • -she is in love with snakes and used to have many jewelry that had designs on snakes on them, but doesn't anymore because her youngest son is scared of them.

-when she was younger, she once ran away from home because her parents didn't approve of her dream of being a ninja

-is allergic to cats


 make way for p o r o r o!



your husband's name • Woo Jiho aka Zico

his blood type • O

his occupation now • 
composer/owner of his own label (more people know him for being a composer though)

his personality 
When Semi and Jiho first met, Jiho was more of a bad boy. He wasn't necessary a player, but he was a huge flirt with the girls. He was still as cheerful and out going as he was when he was younger, but now he is much calmer and a tiny bit more rational than he used to be. He tended to show tough fronts when they first met to try and impress her, but it stopped when she pointed it out. There were times in which Semi and Jiho argued because the two were incredibly stubborn and hard headed when it came to things they believed in, but now he is a bit more lenient. Though, this problem still happens even to do this day, but much less than it used to. At home, Jiho surprisingly likes to cuddle with his family. He can a bit clingy, but it's how he shows his love. He doesn't use his aegyo as much as he used to, but it does appear when Jiho and Semi are alone. He can be a bit excited to do things though and forgets to talk it out with Semi before he does the things he wants to do. With his children, Jiho is very loving and often tells them what it is to be a man (which sometimes leads to funny situations). He often likes to have fun with his sons and will play with them a lot. Between Semi and Jiho, Jiho does more of the scolding when his children are acting out of control.

how you met • Semi and Jiho meet when Semi was 25 and Jiho was 26. By that time, Jiho wasn't really an idol anymore and mostly retired to composing. He was composing an OST song for a drama. Semi, who was part of the drama, was chosen to sing for the soundtrack.  Semi didn't honestly like Zico when they first met because of his bad boy act, but Jiho seemed interested in her. He gave her his number, but she rejected it and left after the recording. She unfortunately, had to return a few days later to re-record something. This time around, Jiho apologized for his behavior and the two talked and soon became friends. They started dating an year later after getting to know each other.

extras • Jiho proposed to Semi after three years after they started dating. It wasn't the smoothest relationship for during their second year, there were rumors of Semi cheating on him which wasn't the case and they argued a lot. They took a break in their second year where Semi and Jiho briefly were in other relationships before they got back to together. When Jiho proposed to Semi, he tried to act all cool by casually asking her to marry him when the two of them were on a date. Semi immediately laughed at that since he was flustered as he did so, but agreed to it.  Their wedding was fun filled especially with the members of Block B as guests. It was a simple wedding, nothing too over the top though Kyung, who Semi became friendly with as she dated Jiho accidentally dropped cake on her dress. She responded by shoving some cake  in his face, but not out of spite, but as a friendly revenge.


 snow covered wonderland!


your background • Semi was born in Busan to a middle class family as an 2nd  and last born child with her parents owning a small restaurant in town. Semi spent most of her childhood at the restaurant with her parents by helping them out by serving customers and watching television on her breaks.  When she was of age, she attended a local school near her house.

When Semi was about 10 years old, she realized her dream of became an actress for the first time. Semi fell in love with acting as she watched Winter Sonata which she watched every airing of like her life depended on it and became influenced by the main actress, Choi Ji-woo. Semi begged her parents to help with her dream, but her parents were reluctant with the whole thing. They ended up promising her that if she did good in school then they would invest in her dream when it came to go to high school by letting her attend local acting classes. Semi readily agreed to it and studied hard in school. She tried to develop her skill before that by trying out for plays in her schools.

In high school, Semi attended acting classes like her parents promised and became a regular member of the school's performance arts club. She tried extremely hard to show people around her that she was a legit actress. In her last year of high school, she heard from her friends that SM Entertainment was holding auditions for singing, dancing and acting. Semi immediately signed up for it and auditioned.

She originally failed her audition which only made her try harder. During one of her breaks from school, she and her mother went to Seoul to try and out for SM. This time around Semi got accepted and moved to Seoul after her last year of school.  She was originally planned to debut in a girl group to use as a platform to her acting, but Semi expressed that she didn't want to and just solely focused on acting.

At first, she only had walk on roles or minor roles in dramas and movies.  Her big break when she was 24 years old and landed a lead role in a highly successful drama. She became more well known after that.

family •  Kang Junho |63| retired owner of a small restaurant| alive

Kang Miyoung | 63 | retired owner of family restaurant| alive

Kang Seungho | 38 | new owner of family restaurant |alive

your occupation •  She works as an actress which she dreamt of becoming since she was 10 years old. She at first wasn't very popular, but had her big break at 24 years old. She still works as an actress in drama and movies. She first used to be part of SM, but now is part of SidusHQ.

friends  Jung Eunji (Apink)

extra • She meet Eunji on a drama before and became fast friends. They often talk in their native Busan accent together.


• I c al l for him, my li tt le penguin!



full name • Woo Dongmin

nickname/s •  Little Gentlemen- mostly by adults

birthday • 2025 November,05

current age • 4

blood type • B

ulzzang •  Jin Seon

photographs •  one || two || three

extras • He has a birthmark on the back of left hand that looks a bit like an arrow


full name • Woo Jaesun

nickname/s • N/A

birthday • 2027  June ,01

current age • 2

blood type • A

ulzzang •  Matsumura Kenji

photographs •  one || two || three

extras •  --


I love to play all day!


name Woo Dongmin

personality • Dongmin takes a bit more after Semi then he does Jiho. He is a more of a reserved type that likes to look at things from a rational perspective. He is pretty intelligent for someone his age and is extremely polite when he is around others. He is really nice to people around him, but he does get shy at first to talk to others. He is a bit of a sore loser with a bit of a violent  temper when it comes to losing. He is an extremely determined child when he puts his mind to something. He does takes things people say about him to heart and if someone says something negative about him, it will hurt his feelings quite a bit. He can be a bit nosy when it comes to other people's problems and likes to hide his own. When around his parents, he will help out when he needs to and dilligently listens to his father when he tells him about how to be a man which Dongmin doesn't really understand much, but goes along with it. He equally attached his parents and doesn't favor once over the other.  He loves his younger brother, but sometimes finds it a hassle that Jaesun causes so much trouble were he goes. He will be quick to defend his brother if others make fun of him and will include him in games if he noticed Jaesun not doing anything.

behaviour • As true to his nickname, he is a little Gentlemen at the Daycare. He is usually seen helping out when it needs help and talking politely to the adults. He doesn't cause fights much, but it does happen once in a while especially when he loses at something. He is very nice to everyone even the girls that apparently have 'cooties' as the other kids say and will go out of his way to include alone kids into the games he is playing.

At home, he is helpful around the house when it needs help. He is a bit nosy though especially when Jiho and Semi are fighting. He tends to misinterpret their fighting sometimes which leads to him thinking something severely bad is going to happen.

You can tell when he is visibly upset about something (at both home and at the daycare) when he sits there blankly and daydreams. He is a more of an active child, so this is highly unusual. It's hard to exactly get him to tell you what is on his mind because he will act like nothing is going on.

habits • -usually seen with a polite smile on his face

-he isn't very picky and tries everything twice. The only exception to this is anything that looks slimy. He will not try it at all. 

-when he feels embarrassed, he will look down and pick at something with his shoe

-when he is about to laugh uncontrollably, he will cover his mouth with his hand

-when he sleeps, he usually doesn't use the pillow and instead cuddles with it

-he tends to wake up easily, so it needs to be quiet around him

likes •  -he loves playing pretend cause it gives him time to be something he isn't usually


-helping people when they need help

-his fake screwdriver


-Saturday morning cartoons

dislikes • -losing to the other kids

-slimy looking things

-snails and slugs

-when people make fun of his brother

-seeing his parents fight


extra • -at the current moment, he says he dreams of becoming a scientist

-he carries his screwdriver everywhere and keeps it in his pocket

-he knows how make paper elephants, his favorite animal

-he unlike his brother was a planned pregnancy.


name Woo Jaesun

personality •  The maknae son and the most troublesome between the brothers. In contrast to his older brother's ability to help others, Jaesun is usually the one who causes in the first place. He is a cheeky little kid who often says things without much thought. He just likes to get in trouble for the simple fact that the attention with be on him. He tends to leap into things without much thought and gets distracted easily. He has a lot of energy to him and is usually the type to have fun no matter what kind of setting he is in.

He is quite a handful for Jiho, who usually looks after both his sons because he never seems to slow down. With his energy and playfulness, he often is in the daycare coming up with the most fun things to do. He is a bit of a leader to his friends and will pout around if they reject his ideas. The only time Jaesun is tame is when around his mother. He becomes an angel and is extremely helpful. Since he doesn't doesn't see Semi as much, he extremely loves to follows her around when she is at home. When it comes to strangers, Jaesun is very wary of them and will often watch from a distance to see if they're someone he would befriend.

behaviour • At the Daycare or with only Jiho, Jaesun is a energy ball who can't seem to slow down. He often talks fast even if he's not saying the words quickly. He is usually causing trouble, trying new things out. Usually, he gets along with his brother and usually stops creating a mess when Dongmin tells him to stop. He likes to talk to his friends and it really takes him a while before he can calm down and take naps.

In the presence of Semi, he changes and will often become clingy. He likes to tag along with her and be with her since he doesn't see her much. He makes sure not to cause her trouble because he wants his mother to be proud of him rather than scolding him. When her attention isn't on him, he tends to sulk and will try everything in his power to do something that will make Semi turn her attention back to him.

habits • -talks quickly, it increases when he gets excited (Jiho claims that Jaesun will be a great rapper when he grows up)

-he has regular patterns of not eating different colored foods. At the moment, he refuses to eat anything that is orange. 

-it takes him a while to go to sleep, but that is usually solved by playing peaceful music

-when he sleeps, he moves around a lot

-when he's up to no good, he often will giggle a lot

likes •  -the color red

-mini sausages

-watching cartoons

-smell of clean clothes


dislikes • -at the moment, the color orange

-snakes (deadly scared of them)

-cleaning his toys


-seeing his parents fight

-when his brother doesn't talk to him or ignores him

extra • -his favorite animal to fold is frogs

-he is never allowed to have gum because last time that happened, he got it stuck in people's hair

-he picked up a busan accent by listening to his mother talk, so he sometimes talks in a busan accent

-he was actually an unplanned pregnancy

Always happy,  a s  c an be!


plotline desires • -proposal story

-romance story

-Dongmin overhearing his parents arguing and misunderstanding that they were going to divorce

pregnancy scare in which Semi finds out Jiho actually tried to make her pregnant because he wanted to have a daughter

-Semi debating on retiring so she can spend more time with her family or not

(i'll add more if I think of more)

comments • The story sounds super fun, I hope you like her and please free things if you need to ^^

questions • nopes


• po  ro r o!

password Ha Donghoon




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