I'm such a bad little sister

Ok So I'm here running around the house with little to no sleep and my head is slowly processing until I can process that today is Soohyun's birthday! (Technically I celebrate it yesterday with Korea but its today on my book(I always slice leverage korean idol's birthdays for two days:the day before when Korea celebrates it and the day of when it is the actual date)) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOOHYUN!!! And up comes my brother from the dark lagoon that is his room and he might as well be sleep walking and I'm bouncing all over the place (as in I have loads more energy than he does at this point) and I'm singing happy birthday and my brother goes "oh, Miri, that's really sweet, but I'm too tired for happy birthdays right now" and I stop dead in my tratrackside almost drop my coffee mug


 I forgot my brother's 17th birthday. But thankfully he didnt hear me say anything about Soohyun so I just quickly covered with "ok birthday boy, whatever you say!" And skipped down I my room and we're here now.


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