Sports day

Okay so today I went to a sports day and it was fun and tiring at the same time.

I got a floor burn and it hurt =.=

I played :

Vollyball, DeathBall (Doge Ball), Basketball, That game with a racket and a birdy, Another game but I don't know what it's called and one more game of DeathBall.

It was worth of getting a floor burn :p

I had fun and that's what counts right? Yea? No? Anyways know my leg kinda hurts from where I got that floor burn (on the side of my knee cap) below > . < 


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I hate sports luckily were only selected
@ljoetaekai3000 Me too...
Hope your knee feels better.
glotterjongup #3
I got hit with a DeathBall in the face 6th grade