EXO is B.A.C.K BABY~~~~~~~~ KYA (/^O^)/~~~~

Can we PLEASE take a moment of absolute silence for these two beautiful pictures |(-u-)|

((this first pic I'm leaving the url here, because I don't want to be reported and banned for having a "" pic even though he isn't exactly ))

and this one

TBH Tao isn't my top bias I actually really didn't like him at the start but now I feel like I should be his noona bec I just want to spoil him to death and he seems to have grown up so much c": 

But friggin CHEN man !!!!!! UGGGGGH SO MANY FEELS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am an EXOtic or whatever my fandom is going to be called just to let you know~ My username explains who I made me fall in loe with K-POP haha

anyway bye guys~~~ enjoy the pictures ^^



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