That was embarrassing....

I am not really feeling on top of things at the moment. To make it short, I am stressed about school, I am depressed, I am hyper sensitive and I don't sleep enough. 


I fell asleep during my Latin class.. Like... all out, asleep, mumbling in my sleep. Then my friend poked me and I squeaked and excused myself because I felt bad. I really did, but I don't think that is the reason I fell asleep. I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning, so I've been feeling a bit faint. And just... out of my body kind of dizzyness. Not nice. Anyway, I am eating slowly right now and drinking water and I already feel better. Though I still think it was embarrassing to fall asleep and sleeptalk in class. Hopefully people thought I was having an attack or a dizzyspell or something. Bleh.. 


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Were you at least speaking Latin when you sleep-talked? XD
I feel you. I'm having similar problems, so I can sympathize. Just , try to think about all the little things. They help fight off the depression. Think about the latest fanfic you wrote, get into character. Concentrate on the lyrics and the true meaning of your favorite song. Think about your bais, and how he can make you smile.
Its little things like that that keep me smiling, so maybe it'll work for you too.
Celine93 #3
Do rest alot.... And don't skip meal... It is bad for you especially if you already so tired..