Stardom Entertainment New Girl Group "FRENZY"// Application



Girlgroup Application 



username: iloveGD

profile link:



Name: Choi Joohyun

Stagename: Tsuki/but always spelt Suki (Moon)

Nickname: doesn't really matter, as long as it contradicts her personality such as (you can use) Sunshine, or Sunny, or even Taeyang

Age: 20

Birthday: November 9, 1993

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Ethnicity: three quarts Korean, 1 quart Canadian

Languages: Korean (satoori/Busan dialect [it slips sometimes]), English, French and Japanese



Likes: music (esp hip hop,rap and RnB); any form of art; coffee and tea; reading; video games; watching sceneries

Dislikes: When people are lovey dovey; taking bull from people; when people are disrespectful especially to elders; when people make fun of her in a way (though she usually ignores it); smokers and druggies; skinship

Hobbies: Playing billards and volleyball; playing the guitar and piano; drawing and painting (a lot of anime, but mostly landscapes and occasionally people); photography, going on walks at night (like anywhere from 11:30PM-2AM); occasionally likes sculpting and pottery; practicing her best skills dancing, rapping and singing is the thing she loves to do the most

Habits:  Loosing her temper from time to time; punching people (when it's playful, sometimes it's too hard); accidentally swearing; tripping/"Onew Sangtae"; speaking in satoori

Other Facts: As anti-social and friendly as she may seem, she can open up to people, but it takes a long time. She enjoys when people make her laugh, even if she doesn't laugh. Instead, she'll secretly smile to herself, and depending on how funny something is, she'll chuckle. She'll only FULL OUT laugh when it's really hilarious. Her smile is her most precious thing to her (besides her ity), and she won't show it to just anyone. Not even all of the FRENZY members have seen her smile. She's also a very strange and secretive girl, so when she's with select people, she can be very strange. The other members don't even know all of her likes, dislikes and hobbies. The one and only person who knows her inside out is her little brother. 


FAMILY-(if you have 5 family members, you can have 2 idol siblings. if you have 3 family members, only 1 idol sibling.)

~please put in this order~

|Name | Age | Occupation *| Personality |

Choi Dong Min (Father) | 50 | Owner of a string of famous and 5-star restaurants | Very caring for his family, main breadwinner of the family, hardworking, dedicated and very loving

Choi Mi Sun | 45 | Owner of a clothing store, not too famous, but quite exclusive | Caring mother, though over double her daughter's age, still has a very young soul, dorky

Choi Junhong (Zelo of B.A.P) | 16 (born in '96) | IDOL in BAP | Dorky [gets it from his mom], sometimes rebellious, loves and cares for his noona very much, keeps his loving relationship with his noona a secret, greets her as sunbae backstage [no one knows that they are siblings until after a long time], secretly protective of his sister, VERY cute but masculine and charismatic



Sorry. No idols. But please put them in the same format as the family:

|Name | Age | Occupation* | Personality| 

Watanabe Ryu (1 eighth British, 1 eighth korean, 3 quarters japanese) | 21 | Gourmet Chef | BEST FRIEND - Very funny, kind, sweet, listens very well, comforting and supportive, defends his friends and family, likes to act superiour, stuck up and overly proud of himself to make others (especially Joohyun) laugh and amused

Kim Hwae Ji | 19 | Ulzzang and model | BEST FRIEND - Cute, aegyo, girly, energetic, exciting, adventurous, warm hearted, will defend her girl if she needs to, doesn't like when girls act like they own anything, very beautiful and attracts many boys but she turns them down because she wants someone who loves HER, not her looks and body



Rival(s): U-Kwon from Block B; Jessica from SNSD; Jung Leo of VIXX

Why are you rivals? U-Kwon's always teasing her and making fun of her, acts like he's so much better than everyone else (but only towards her), puts her down ALL the time, very competitive with Joohyun in absolutely everything (even if he does lose sometimes), even though it seems like U-Kwon and Joohyun hate each others guts- they both know that they are willingly up to defend each other if necessary

Jessica is just a straight up towards many people, especially Joohyun. She believes that Joohyun acts on top and superior just becasue she has so much skill and shrugs it off as if it was nothing. She thinks/knows she's much prettier than Joohyun, but still fears of her doing better and becoming more beautiful than she will/is. Jessica is jealous of her and wants her OUT.

Leo and Joohyun just never got off on the right foot. They always judge each other, and as little as they talk, they sometimes diss each other. THey hate EVERYTHING the other does, no matter how AMAZING it is. 

Personality: U-Kwon : cutesty but amazing dancer, cheesy and flirty dork, teases all the time to everyone, makes people laugh

Jessica: does she really need a description? x) She's a cold , but acts all nice to other people and to her rivals when other people are around

Leo: Cold, doesn't talk much, glares a lot, doesn't interact much with others, occasially laughs and smiles, secretly warm-hearted deep down



Love interest: Jung Taekwoon aka Leo of VIXX

Backup Love Interest: Bang Yong Guk of B.A.P

Your relationship?:

Leo: Rivals. They absolutely dispise each other. Even though they are alike in many ways.

Yong Guk: Acquaintance, and he slightly crushes on Joohyun. He tries his best to get Joohyun to talk, smile, and interact more with others.

How did you two meet?:

Leo: Idols from small companies such as Stardom, Jellyfish, Starship etc. held a party for all of the idols and trainees. Half way through the party, Joohyun was walking around with her beer and accidentally spilled it on Leo, both believing it was the other's fault but the cause was none of their faults. The first thing that happened between them was an argument of who caused the spill when it was obviously someone who accidentally pushed Joohyun

Yong Guk: As a trainee, Zelo wanted more support and motivation. He was going through a rough stage and locked himself in the practice room alone. After finding out, Joohyun rushed over to comfort him. The other members of BAP weren't around except for the leader. After getting in, Joohyun and Yong Guk comforted him and made sure he was okay. Seeing that Joohyun was Zelo's sister and how kind she was, Yong Guk had the urge to become her friend, but of course, it wouldn't happen until a long line of trying to be her friend.

How do you guys act around each other?:

Leo: glares, glares, glares. Disses, slight shoving, cold shoulder etc.

Yong Guk: He tries to be close and have slight skinship, but she just pulls away, though she secretly doesn't care.



What is your ulzzang name?: Jung Min Hee


Backup Ulzzang: Jung Bora



PICK 2 SPOTS- ~ the spots with "x" are my positions. Sorry. If you pick two and someone else already chose them, I'll send you a message, and you'll have to pick other spots.~ 

Main vocalist |x|

Lead vocalist |  |

Vocalist |  |

Subvocalist |  |

Main rapper ||

Lead rapper |x|

Subrapper |  |

Main dancer | |

Lead dancer |  |

Maknae |  |

Leader |  |

Composer | |

if not, then i'd like main dancer :)


Joohyun is the closest with her brother, who knows her very well. Though her two best friends don't know EVERYTHING as Zelo does, they do see her smile, laugh and be weird more often. As cold as she appears, Joohyun keeps her emotions inside and can be very sensitive. She is truthfully very emotional, but never shows it unless she's alone. She's only shown her friends her sensitive side once while Zelo has seen it all. Even though Zelo is her dongsaeng, he still acts very oppa like to him. Their parents aren't home too often or too long, so the two get along and take care of each other very well. 

If I remember something that I want to add, do you mind if I message you? :3


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