Just Rants

The Kpop fandom is great. They're a big loving family but sometimes, people have to realize that they're made of people, real actual breathing people.

People with lives, people with thoughts, and sometimes this isn't always a good thing.

Wow, I feel like February and March is when my life crises always occur. It was like this last time too. 

I'm just really super tired of everything. I'm tired of writing all the time and people taking things for granted.

I'm tired of people no longer valuing writing for what it is. 

I'm tired that this site is now used for popularity, now it's only about recognizing certain authors, letting the others fall.

Honestly, the new featured story? What is that? That's just more competition, more like high school. And honestly if I wanted high school, I don't need this site.

It's nice that authors are being recognized, but there are so many who slip through the cracks. 

There are also others, like myself, who put in our best, but nobody understands that we have feelings and that sometimes the things you say, the actions you do, can hurt too.

If anyone posts any more role play ads, or ask for karma points, I'm going to not only delete the message, but block you.

I'm tired of this. AFF is not about karma. You earn the karma. I have a big load of karma, but what's the point? I'll never use it. So why should you worry about it? I'm just sick and tired of people not being to understand.

I'm tired of always feeling obliged to write because you asked for it. If you're going to ask me to do things for you, then you should show appreciation first. 

I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't really care if you all read this and think that I'm a whiny . Because so what if that's what you think? I know plenty of people who feel this way and it's about time we all got our voices out.

If anyone who's reading B.A,P oneshots is here, I'm going to just say if this continues, I'm not going to open up for requests ever again. I'm tired of having to write for you guys and then not have you guys tell me how it was. You asked for it, I gave it, you should at least give some feedback. Don't ask me for birthday requests either because quite frankly, it's going to be the same thing over and over again. 

I'm just tired. Tired of being nice, tired of everything.



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awwww I hope people haven't been stressing you out! haha I know this is probably really late... but I just want you to know that I love your B.A.P oneshots and don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise! You're an awesome writer and you deserve the respect and acknowledgement! So please don't let those little hurtful comments get to you because there are so many people (*cough* such as myself *cough*) who love what you write! Stay stong~
I have to say, the top few most subscribed authors aren't that great of writers: if you look and read all the stories, you'll realise that it's all basically the same- a long intro, where the main relationship is nurtured, then after about 50 chapters or so, the real drama strikes, Somethng bad/challenging happens, then it ends up being really anticlimatic coz the same thing happens over and over
I've grown tired of this site and if this continues, I'll probably stop reading here as well (dun want that to happen coz I've met some great people here)
LOL, I should be comforting you-
Even though I don't really comment as much anymore, I still love your one shots :) hehe, my request is next :3
Feel better, it's good to rant and let out everything, if it gets too much then it's not good for you :/
...dun even know what I'm rambling about anymore =.=
Well, hope you feel better
This is a lot that you must be holding in up to this point. There's nothing wrong with expressing your true feelings. This isn't about being "whiny." Blogging about it is better than stressing yourself by keeping it bottled up. As long as you know what others say about you isn't true, their words shouldn't matter.

About the competition, rising to popularity, and going around asking for karma points...I agree. I did see some people posting blogs about karma donations. I tend to delete the ads that people post on my wall after looking them over. The joy/love of writing is lost when one only focuses on the competition--about winning.

AFF is not what it once was in the early days after I became a member here. The changes are made by the moderator(s) involved and some are done due to users' requests or suggestions. This is what I think influenced AFF to become what it is today. It was simple back then. Popularity wasn't such a big deal, there was no motivator set up for competition, and it wasn't as socially active as it is nowadays. It's nice that I got to at least make some friends even though the number isn't high. I'm content with that. I've never thought of becoming popular. I haven't bothered with using my karma points either.

Not being appreciated for what you do for them feels terrible. Leaving at least a comment or two would be nice. It's not like you're expecting much from them. Giving what they can in return is truly what matters. By stopping with requests, you're doing yourself some good without having to deal with being unappreciated for your efforts. Escaping it is better than getting in too deep.

Lately, I haven't been on here much because my mind's drifted elsewhere. Plus, the spring semester is in session.
feel the same way about it
Just do your own thing ^^

Hwaiting ^^
i actually feel you a lot c':
because sometimes we also want our stories to be appreciated and recognized, but end up being just another tumbleweed in the middle of this whole kingdom named aff.
but i guess that's just how this site had turned to be...
what i can't take is, however, that people who requested doesn't leave a feedback. i mean seriously? they should at least- abksdbdkasbckhadkhc
cheer up, author-nim. i really am bad at cheering people up, so i'm sorry c';
I got your point. there was a point where I thought the same but since I write because I want to, I guess I just ignore all those facts and enjoy myself. I guess. LOL

but you're actually voicing out our silence. :)
Thank you. For voicing all this out. I've noticed that AFF is slowly turning into a site where all that matters is popularity, and it .

I apologize as well for not commenting on 'B.A.P Oneshots'. I'm not going to give any excuse. I was just plainly lazy. And I usually read only the ones that involves Zelo.

Now, cheer up~ Stressing makes you unhealthy. :)
And I apologize if I have been one of those people who stopped commenting and supporting you. I'll always, always cheer u on, but now I'll work on showing it better too >.<
Amen. Amen to everything. Thank you really, purple chingoo, for voicing what a lot of ppl really must've been feeling /sigh.

Mutantbic is right; just write for your own satisfaction and your own path of writing. It'll be hard but what's more important is u, not those all about popularity...

Aigoo heh it's good to let it out uk? (: hehe God Bless <3 smile, and keep good thoughts. U dun deserve this stress~
I'm sorry you are having a rough time. write when you want to and do your best to ignore the stuff that makes you mad. i agree about the requests. it should just be courtesy.

the stuff on here sometimes... i just have to laugh.
I'm sorry. I feel like I haven't been commenting much anymore. My life has gotten very busy and stressful and I know that really not an excuse to not tell you how awesome your writing is. I really look foreward to reading whatever you post, whenever you post it. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes. I really appreciate your writing and all the work you put in. Everyone just needs a break sometimes to regenerate.
Yeah...I don't really get the karma thing here either. But Jilly, you should write for yourself, not other people. Write stories that make you happy and that are what you want to write, not what other people tell you to write. A lot of really good authors on here don't get recognized ( I like to consider myself one of these but that may be a bit snobby. Besides, I'm retired) but it's okay because the good writers become readers of good writers, so they have their own little community. It's just harder to find.

So cheer up and write what makes you happy and screw everybody else. And don't worry about the karma/feature system because it's for little kids who just want to be popular on here. Which, most of the people on here ARE little kids...so it works for them. The grown ups just have to stick it out on their own :)
Yeah the awards? Meh.
I like to think I being a hermit around here. Like I will not have any expectations, so I don't have to be disappointed. I also started writing on my blog so it's not like I'm trying to find readers, but when I do find readers, they're my friends and give really good comments.
Man maybe you should close the oneshots shop for a while. It sounds like you're overwhelmed.