
what being an exotic means...
When Wolf was leaked, I did consider the possibility of SM intentionally leaking the song to collect our opinion.

But it actually doesn’t make sense because you can hear the flaws of our lovely vocals in that unfinished version. SM won’t do that to harm their future money-making machines.

Also, SM would have done it when “I Got A Boy” / “Dream Girl” were released if you know what I mean. But they didn’t. They have been confident in their music no matter how different their style become.

Yesterday, “monitor” was leaked and that is an agyeo love song which doesn’t really need SM to leak on purpose.

So there are 2 possibilities:
1. data loss by accident
2. someone did it intentionally

From what I heard as rumours, a USB was lost.
It also said the source will leak 4 songs. 

The delay of comeback is not as serious.

The leak spoiled the surprise so ordinary people won’t buy their CD/ soundtrack.

Also, it reduces the impact of their comeback. And it WILL affect their future career. If it can’t surprise the public, SM will invest less on them and focus on other upcoming groups.

They already have many rivals out there.

Please, be their angels. 
Be their warriors.

They are so precious to us right?

It’s time for us protect them.
Stop the spread.

They are probably sweating in the dancing room while you’re clicking the mouse.

Please don’t be so cruel.
Please spread this message. It is important if there will be more leaks.
It’s the least we can do for them.
cr. to the rightful ones :)



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What?! Another song is leaked????? What in the world, if it is leaked shouldn't it just be another teaser instead? o____O
Who is doing this to my EXO? TT^TT
lovelyme23 #2
We don't know if its a demo or not, but i think SM did that on purpose. Fans are going wild because they can't wait for the comeback. So maybe SM purposely leaked the rejected(?) tracks so fans would know they are gearing for a comeback :))

My opinion, though. We, fans, will never know what would get into Soo Man's head.
lovelyme23 #3
365 got leaked today too :)
as much as i cant wait for their comeback, its really not right to spread their leaked songs. we should all stop spreading it.
twilight_princess #5
Too true! Stop leaking!! DX
I don't really care if ordinary people won't buy the album. I mean, they'd most likely download it illegally anyway.

Plus, only exo fans know about this spread and spreading isn't that fast anymore.

Impact? Really now? Those are demo versions anyway, they'd most likely have improvisations.
No more surprise? Not for me, I find it interesting that wolf and 365 are both so different sounding. It makes me wonder what kind of concept are exo going for this time round. Everybody is STILL curious. Have you seen people on tumblr raving about this? "Omg, what will exo's comeback be?"

Kris is finally back, and maybe this is why if they did intentionally leak the songs, it was because Kris was free of troubles already, and it's for promotional purposes.

Anyway, did LSM say about delaying of comeback? If anything, I think it would be brought forward or changed.

Just saying. I will buy exo's album regardless of how many songs are leaked and how their album turns out.
I agree with you . I'm hurt when other fandoms talk bad about EXO since their fav is EXO's rival .