Rant #2 of 2013

So this is my second rant of 2013. They'll mostly be about my personal issues, or things that I can't stand (which I will sit on), or just some of my pet peeves. Interested? Read.

This is basically going to be a personal rant. Mainly about how life . I’ll be touching on a few things now, mainly about kpop, my personal life and academics.

So, I’ll first be ranting about kpop /shot/ I’m actually starting to get really freaked out by how kpop has changed my life. Like seriously, in my phone contacts, instead of putting ‘Mom’ or “Mother’, I put ‘Umma’, which is Korean for mother. I don’t even know why I changed it in the first place. A friend was teasing me about it and I realized how kpop has impacted my life so greatly, that it’s becoming scary. My friend is a kpop addict. She spazzes about her sinking Taengsic ship all day. I used to think that I would never be like her, dreaming about SNSD all day. I’m just really scared I might just end up like her. I don’t want to be an extreme fan who gets into fanwars, spazzes all day and etc. I’m not saying that one cannot spazz. Course you can. It’s just that it’s too much, at least for me. I check my twitter timeline every few seconds to check for kpop updates. Back then, I won’t ever do that. Ever. But now, everything’s just so screwed up. And I’m starting to feel that the underlying problem is kpop.

Which brings me to my next point, my personal life. I don’t really know where I am right now. I feel like I’m living each day meaninglessly, letting it pass by just like that. When I actually settle down, slow down my pace, and just think, I feel that it’s meaningless. Why am I studying so much? I’m going to die anyway. That’s the only conclusion which I will come up with. And it is a horribly stupid conclusion.. I’m just getting lost in this never-ending maze. At least, that’s how I feel. I don’t really feel happy anymore, unless my friends make me laugh. I swear, I’m typing this entire thing with an expressionless face. I need someone with more experience in this world, to tell me what to do., because I’m entirely lost.

Lastly, my life in school. Two words to sum it up: It . It really . I can’t even. I’m not a smart person. At all. I’m really lousy in academics. And there was this project thing, which my friend quarreled about. Yepp, details are in the last blog post I made hahah. SO there was another project. I was kicked out of my own group by my ‘best friend’. I didn’t even know of it until the very last minute; My reaction: WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE HELL. Yes, I’m Asian, so imagine an Asian saying that lolol. I don’t even know. I’m assuming that I got kicked out because I am dumb and stupid. I know I should never assume because that’s just making an out of you and me. But I cant help it. People assume. I’m only human. And since I’m starting to think that this is a little too long, I shall end it here.



Thank you if you made the effort to read/skim through this crap here. Just needed to rant though.


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ohmyyyyy i shall talk to you about this tmr :>