░░ ✎ baby steps ( lee hyesung 이혜성 )


베이비 스텝 ➫ lee hyesung

〈 haekyung 〉 〈 Call me dani 〉 〈 5 〉

The Captive Princess

Name Lee Hyesung (이혜성)
Nickname(s)Mama, Princess (왕비)
Age 26
Birthday Janurary 17

Birthplace Jeju, South Korea
Hometown Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity Full Korean
Occupation Secretary, Currently job-searching
Language(s) Korean (fluent), English (semi)

Ulzzang Jang Chom Mi ( gallery )
Backup Park Hwan Hui ( gallery )
Height 162cm
Weight 56kg

AppearanceOver time, Hyesung originally had natural, black hair, but later dyed it a lighter brownish-auburn to her personal liking. She prefers to keep her hair loose past her shoulders, or tied high into a bun, because for some reason, her hair curls too easily when in a ponytail, and she doesn't like it so wavy. Hyesung has very fair skin, due to a lot of care and protection from those deadly sun rays. She almost never applies makeup, unless going out, which would be conisiting of a pale shade of pink lipstick or gloss, a light appliance of blush, and brow pencil. No mascara or eyeliner needed because she was oddly given long eyelashes. She has no other peircings other than two, one being for each ear; her body is free from any ink, and will forever stay that way, due to a severe fear of needles. Though she wouldn't be getting a tattoo, whether she was fond of needles or not. Currently owns no scars to her body, either. She has a very young appearance to her, but one can easily tell she is an adult.

StyleHyesung has this very old sense of fashion. She has a preferance to wear feminine attire, consiting of mainly knits, sweaters, jeans, collars, dresses, and skirts. She doesn't have a taste for any tomboy features like shorts, or baggy tees, unless perhaps going to the beach. Her trade color would probably be a very soft, pink, or lighter shades of brown & beigh. She dislikes a lot of colorful, attention-grabbing materials, and does her best to avoid those. Hyesung isn't the best at accessorizing, unless it be jewelery. She likes to wear a lot of gold necklaces, braclets and rings, but not a lot for someone to call it bling. Likes to wear jewlery a little at a time, to keep from looking over accessorized. Her overall style is mature, simple and content. It always remains feminine.

e x a m p l e s   〉 | | 4 | 5

Personality Grown to becoming a very strong woman, Hyesung is the type to follow the book, to play by the rules, and to keep things perfect and symmetrical. Though stubborn, she's a woman who remains ideal to one thing at a time, so that everything is done the way it should, and done the way it shall. In truth, she's a perfectionist. Always prepared to making things flawless. She's commited to a lot of things, whether the task be difficult or easy, she is willing to get them done nevertheless, since she had always been a very presistant character. She's also very determinded to get things done. If there's something she wants to achieve, she'll swear to do anything she can to gain it.  She's also, not often an outspoken person, and isn't really too sociable with others. It's a flaw that she finds irrelevant. To be honest, she was never a real people person to begin with. She had very little friends growing up, and found that she really didn't need any. She was always this tough-girl that never needed friends, because she was so confident to think she never needed anyone to lean on. She was the girl who'd sit by herself, read a book on her own, and avoid her peers at all costs. She became very independent because of that. Always having to work for herself, never wanting to rely on others, or needing anyone else's strength. She hated depending on others. She truly did. The fact of that being that she was scared she'd never be able to return their givings. It was just something she never found easy to do, so doing things on your own was probably the best way to go. Who needed teamwork anyways, when you could do everything just fine on your own? Her reason for being a little too self confident may have been because of her bad temper, which unfortunately scared a few off. It was one that would blow up constantly, if you weren't on the best terms with her. But, she's learned to maintain it over the years ( especially after her son's birth ). Although, there are times when that legendary dragon lady would appear without notice, it's usually caused by irritation, annoyance, or simply because she's had a bad day. But, beneath that harsh attitude is a very kind and caring woman who has a lot of difficulties expressing herself. She's a woman who can't express her true emotions without having them accidently twisted into hateful words. She doesn't mean any harm. She really doesn't. It was just the way she was raised. It's just difficult to sugar-coat, things.. so, unless you've managed to get through to her, have fun trying to get through that stubborn woman. She's just a woman who needs a little time and patience. Give her time to adjust, love and kindness, and perhaps you'll find a loving, and charming woman who will go through whatever it takes to return the favor.


symmetry / perfection
when her Fai gives her hugs
talking to Fai when there's no one around
eating healthy, because a healthy diet is always important
strawberries ( was her craving when she was pregnant with Fai. became her craving ever since )
romance novels ( because life can almost be perfect and easy )
that one actor Lee Minho from Boys over Flowers
when Fai draws pictures
making her family proud


dissapointing someone
tickles, because they're dreadful
being ridiculed
when she feels the world's against her
getting pressured

Hobbies & Habits

has a habit of saying, "Let me handle it", or "I can handle it".
always becomes a worriwart around her son
has this one habit of embarrasing Tao, that she really doesn't realize
watching korean dramas, especially with Lee Minho in them
falling for Fai's puppy dog eyes
reads a lot of romance novels
writes self-novels that she's never willing to show or publish
gets jealous easily ( especially about Fai )


talks to Fai like he's her best friend, even if he doesn't understand her
has this one fear of dogs, and will never let Fai have or near one
is very bad at singing
doesn't know how to swim
kind of a workaholic, but is looking for a different job
craves strawberries a lot, idek
parents never accepted Tao because he isn't korean ( because his parents want to keep "traditional" )
once aspired to be a writer, but gave that up along the way
has tried to submit a story or two, but failed multiple times
was oddly the first one to ask Tao out in college, and even cried during it because it was her first
though she doesn't drink as much anymore, she was never a strong drinker to begin with
absolutely hates her job because her boss is a butthead

Lifestyle Hyesung grew up in a little less of an average family, that was luckily able to afford things that were mainly, wanted rather than needed. She was used to those conditions, where the AC wouldn't usually work, or when there were things that needed to be cut, such as her phone bills and such, so she was a little more comfortable with the simplicity of things. She had even rented a very simple, and small apartment for herself when she had eventually moved out, which was also originally meant for one person. She currently holds a job as a secretary. Although she honestly hates her job, she gets payed quite decently. Though, through her and her boyfriend's relationship, it was the two of them to have shared all the bills and rents. After the birth of their son Faihuan, things got a little difficult, to be able to maintain and pay for everything that was necessary. The two had made an agreement to take turns with both paying and caring for their son, since it would've been horrible for Faihwan to have no mother or father at such a young age. She lives seperately from her boyfriend for now, back into the same apartment she had gotten when she came to Seoul, until they can find a house that's afforable. She currently lives on her own, her apartment having an extra room for Faihwan to play in when he visits, and struggles to find a better job to give her son good education.

Background Hyesung was raised into a very well-mannered, but strict family, where regulations were always important, and power was always ideal. In this family, she was given a lot of expectations. A lot of pressure to do things correctly, and precise. In the Lee family, everything had to be done the proper way, the traditional way.. the perfect way. If you didn't do something the way if should have, you were in for quite a beating. She was taught to never let others look down upon you, no matter what others said or did. The family was poor, so grades were pretty much all they had. Anything else, anything unworthy was neglected, and made useless to their family. They were made a dishonor, a nuisance and an issue. Hyesung would be worried to ever let her family down, so she built this stability to always keep things as they should, thus creating this determination to do her best in everything. She grew up with good grades, and plenty of intelligence. It was an acceptance that her family gave, but a loss that she had, since she was too set on one thing to ever crave companions. Though, even with that intelligence, there was always a matter of comparison between her and her elder sister. Even with fair grades, she never seemed good enough. Never seemed as perfect as her older sister did. She was always told how she could do better, how she should be just as bright and brilliant as her sister was. Hyesung strived to be better, she always did, and always tried. But, she could never become this perfect girl like her parents wanted. She couldn't compare to her seemingly flawless-of-a-sister. She was just second place. The runner up. The "other daughter".

At school she was often known for being this intimidating, grade complexed girl with this ghostly, mysterious feel to her. She was always anti-social, and unkind to other students for the stupid things kids or teenagers would do. She was more mature, or acted that way, frankly scaring off a lot of other kids. No one seemed to have found any interest in her, and if they did, she'd push them away. So, no one ever really stepped up to befriend her, as she did to others. At school, she was expected to be this stuck-up, braniac who came to school for it's honest purpose, and for that, she wasn't often liked. She wasn't open to a lot of people, and hated people getting into her personal space. She was a girl who felt un-appreciated for all the hard work she'd display. Hyesung build up a lot of pride, back then, telling herself that showing weakness was not the way to go. If she wasn't going to be appreciated for who she was, or for her goals, then so be it. Because she'd show them one day. Hyesung was so determind to prove that she could become better than anyone that she even threw away her passion and dreams, because she thought that they would bring nothing to please anyone. It was also due to the fact that her parents never thought that a writer would ever prusue to be someone. Becoming a famous writer was just a 50/50 chance, and apparently, someone like Hyesung would be unable to gain that. So, in order to please them, she threw it away. She kept her dreams and goals hidden. It didn't matter if she shared her dreams.. because no one seemed to have appreciated them, or her, in the first place.


Lee Chihoon | 57 | Laundry Man | Father | Strict, judgemental, serious, masterful
Lee Sooram | 58 | Laundry Woman | Mother | Critical, perfectionist, forceful, determind
Lee Meisung | 28 | Highschool Mathematics Teacher | Intelligent, kind, caring, quiet


Lee Jieun (IU) | 25 | Works as Hyesung's Boss | Co-worker | Presistant, sweet, caring, childish


The Knight in Shining Armor

Name Huang Zitao (黄子韬)
Backup Wu Yifan (吴亦凡)
Age 25
Occupation Interior Designer

Personality Although his looks are quite intimidating, Zitao is a very kind man, that has this similarity to Hyesung. Because people have always expected him to be what he's not, just by appearance, no one has ever gotten to know him for who he really is. If you were able to, you would see that he's a gentleman, who's very caring for others. Like, a kind giant, or something along those lines. He's very careful, no doubt. Always making sure to please others, and to treat them better than he treats himself. He has a very calm personality, which someone can really feel relaxed to. But, he's also a very presistant as well. The type to never take no for an answer, and to do as he pleases. Though kindhearted, he's a rebellion, but for what's right. He doesn't particulary have a bad side to him. Maybe just his presistance. If there's something he wants, he will get it. As in, he will. Be it with his own money, or his own determination, whatever it will be, he will get it by himself. And, although his temper is more at ease than Hyesung's, if you have ever gotten him angry, he would have no reason to hold back, since he rarely ever shows any anger. It would have to be a very good reason for him to have been angry. One should be glad they have been born female around this angry panda, because he'd surely go wushu on you as a male if you decided to do something so utterly stupid. Zitao is a man who's not only caring, but a best friend who'd be there when you need it most. A bestfriend that's childish and teasing, but your shoulder to cry on. He's the one to take all matters into his hands when you're unable to. To take responsibility when it's not even his.

RelationshipAt first, one could say that there relationship wasn't the smoothest. First starting as nothing more than freshman college classies, the two, somehow clashed into an ugly bickerment. It started when the two were oddly assigned this one project together, where it meant having to be social with one another. As much as Tao tried his best to get onto Hyesung's good side, he would fail multiple times, due to her pushing him away so much. She would never let him take responsiblity for the work, or to really do any work at all because she'd always say, "I can handle it". Tao found Hyseung so irritating. Found her selfish and conceited. He found her the only person, the only girl to have ever irked him so much in his life. And, it wasn't too soon until he learned that his hatred towards her wasn't really anything at all. In truth, he always wanted to get to know her. But, she would never let him. They often fought back then, because one was too stubborn, and the other was too presistant. Hyesung didn't like the fact that Tao was just so willing to actually do things on his own, without letting her do them for him. He was the first to have ever stood up against her, as she was the first to him. But, although their conflict increased over-time, somewhere along the lines, they gave up. There was no more fights, no more arguments, no more winning or losing. They had given up, and let a truce unfold. A truce, and a small, friendship.

To the present day, they had became very close friends. Through that one project, they had each seen a side to each other that no one else did. It was acceptance, and they both enjoyed it. Past that friendship was a growing love, that eventually bloomed very nicely. Hyesung became his light in life, while Tao was her knight in shining armor. Tao became her savoir, her guide. He became a man who would lead her to follow her heart, and to do whatever she felt was right. He became the man to persuade her to be herself, when no one else could. He showed her kindness, and love, because no one else would. Tao treats Hyesung like she's delicate. Like, she's able to break so easily without the proper care. He's the only one who can see the good in her, and he treasures that theory with all his heart. He treats her like a princess because he sees that she deserves it. He's presistant to show her how much he cares, but there are times when Hyesung struggles to take it. Hyesung treats Zitao like everyone else. Pretends that he's nothing, but a nuisance. Though, she's only pretending. She knows that he cares, she just can't show the same feelings to him so easily because she just isn't used to it. But, she knows, no matter how much she's going to push him away, he'll stay. She loves him very much, but.. that's just what she thought.

When you're young, giving birth to a child in your twenties isn't the easiest thing. When they had found out that Hyesung was pregnant, things went a little down-hill. They were stressted, they were scared, they were worried. They were young and inexperienced, and a small, simple mistake felt like such a big responsibility. Although Tao was very glad about this, for Hyesung, she was afraid. It was harder on her than it was for him. Even the thought of marrige was brought up, she was afriad. Because she knew she wasn't ready. She thought she was, but she wasn't. She moved on without thinking, and she regretted it. Because now, she would have to bare a child, and it would be their responsiblity. Hyseung just wasn't ready for that, at all. She needed time, to breath, to think, and to make things right. Hyseung's still in a strong relationship with Tao, even after their son's birth. Hyesung prays that their relationship stays that way, even after Faihuan was born, she still wants it to remain this way. Living seperately and sharing until she can find a better job, and do something better for their kid. And, Tao knows not to push Hyesung by her limits. He's patient, and loyal to her, but that might be their problem. Because they both have their limits, and they both have respect for one another, they're unable to go past what they know they can. They're stuck in this bubble of fear, and they don't know how to pop it. A bubble to lose someone, and a bubble of dissapointment. In order to keep their current jobs, they have to live seperatly. Until Hyesung can find a better job, she still refuses to live with Tao until she can manage to get paid a better amount to live up to what Tao can pay, because she really doesn't want him being the only one working for their son.



The Fire-Breathing Dragon

Name Huang Faihwan (黄輝)
Nickname(s)Laoxiong (老兄 - Kiddo),  Fai (輝)
Age 5  ( about to turn 6! )
BirthdayMarch 18
Ulzzang Ye Ziyu
 ( gallery )
Backup Jung Yoogeun ( gallery )

PersonalityAlthough he's only 5 years old, Fai's a very observant kid. He likes learning new things, and enjoys exploring. He's very bubbly, sweet and adoring. From what he's experienced, he's learned that he really doesn't like it when people frown. So, he's always ready to make someone smile, whether it be a funny little joke that pops into his head, or to hop around and singing all day. Whatever it is, he just loves making someone happy. He wants to be like daddy. A man who's creative, and can make people smile with his creations! Fai is a very funny kid. He laughs are little things, for no real reason at all, say if a dog suddenly started barking, he wouldn't be frightened, he'd only giggle and try to make friends with it. Because Fai doesn't really know a lot about the world around him, he's often a trouble-maker who accidently breaks things, or gets himself lost because he's always curious. Though, he's a little bit troublesome, he knows when to be obedient to what people tells him. Fai has this instinct to do good things. It's just that sometimes, he doesn't realize that what's good, is something that may cause a lot of no-nos'. Though he means well, he still has a lot to learn. But, although he's very good, Fai has taken this non-socialbility from his parents, which is a concern because he doesn't like anyone else besides Mama, Baba and his teddy bear Tony.

Background The pregnancy was expected of course, even when they found that they were so careful, it was unfortunate that it wasn't. It was unfortunate that they were so young, too, but what was done had been done. Though he was of an easy birth, Faihwan was born premature, being 2 months earlier than his predicted due date. It was said that his early arrival was caused by stress, by all Fai knows is that he was suppose to be born somewhere in May. Though, put in an incubator for about 3 weeks, he grew up very healthy, which was a huge relief.  After his birth, Fai had always known that his parents weren't married. He found it normal, and even when the other kids all said that their's were married, Fai didn't care, because he was glad that his mama and papa would always meet up at the park with him, playing games all day. Fai grew up switching between living with his mom and dad, so he's used to it. He actually enjoys it because since Tao and Hyesung live in different areas, he gets to have two houses! Hehehe. Mama's house is small, but he gets his own room! Baba's house is big, but he doesn't get his own play room. Mama cooks the best, but Baba takes him out a lot. He doesn't mind having two houses, but he kind of wonders what it would be like if they all lived together..


power rangers ( especially the red one )
when mama and baba are laughing
watching TV
mama's cooking
sleeping in baba's bed, because it feels safe
mama's hugs
the color green
candy, lots and lots of candy!
the teddy bear mama and baba gave him for his 5th birtday! ( his name is Tony! )
smiles, and laughter
reading to mama and baba


when mama and papa fight
when mama cries
vegetables ( they're yucky! D: )
when baba doesn't give candy
going to bed!
girls ( lol. yeah. thinks their weird and scary )
when mama feeds him, because he can feed himself!
 when ahjumma's pinch his cheeks

Hobbies & Habits

when he's upset, he stomps his feet
reads to his mama and baba from his picture book
pretending to be a power ranger
losing or forgetting his toys
falling asleep in weird places


he thinks girls are scary ( except for mama, of course )
wants to be a cool artist like baba
has to take Tony with him everyday or he'll be sad
 his best friend is Tony
 doesn't like to make any other friends, besides Tony
 completely camera shy



The Extra

Suggestions None. ;orz
Comments Blaah. This took me FOREVER. OMIGAH. I'M SORRY. ASDFGH-- I'm also quite sorry because I really fill I made this a little angtsy. Just a bit. Idon'tknow. asdfgh-- the idea just came to me and couldn't let it go. ;u; I really like the storyline, because it's so sweet and the layout was adorable, and I'm really looking forward to it, because I was currently writing so many apps, but I just had the urge to finish this one because it was beautiful, and I loved it and aaaaaah. :'D I tried to be creative, but I dunno.. is it cliche? Too, expected? ;u; If you have any problems with it, I'll fix them immediately! asdfghj-- But, anyways, thankyou so much for looking at my application! Also, just a heads up, sometimes my writing may not make sense.. so, if something's confusing, I'll fix it. /dies. Iseriouslywrotealotomg.



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