Senior Year...

So I am going to be a senior next year. My class is the class of 2014, and what I just recently found out was that our class is the centennial graduating class since our high school was established. We've been having major throwback feels lately, and I am just traumatized with the fact that I am going to be graduating from high school in a year. Time is going so fast, and none of us are prepared to face the real world. But even if we're not ready, there's no preventing the future from happening, because we are currently living it.

I am currently conflicted with deciding which classes I want to take for my last year in high school. Even though we have first choice and priority over the underclassmen, or so I've heard, there's nothing left to choose from. When we were freshmen, we could pick whatever class we wanted. But now that we're going to be seniors, the options have narrowed, and we can only pick either or. Our registration is on the 8th of March, and even though we still have a week left to pick our classes, it feels like it's not enough. I am taking 2 AP classes next year, and I pretty much have no choice but to take them. I am currently taking trigonometry/analytic geometry, and even though we only need 3 math credits in order to graduate, we still have to pick one, and I have no choice but to take AP calculus. But, to be honest, I'd rather take that than AP statistics, because I cannot comprehend anything anymore because of my AP English class this year. Speaking of which, the second AP class that I'm taking next year is AP literature and composition. I am taking AP English language and composition this year, and if I take a regular English class next year, it's basically a waste because what we will learn there will be the exact same thing that we are learning in AP English language now. Besides, I prefer fiction over nonfiction. Even if the workload is a lot, I still feel a bit more confident that I'll get better grades in that class.

Robotics has really taken a toll on me, too. I have many tasks to do before our first regional at the Long Beach Arena in Los Angeles. So now I'm really torn between staying in Robotics during my senior year, or if it will be too overwhelming for me to handle.

And then we graduate, and we hopefully head off to college, get jobs, get married, have kids, grow old, die...

Am I ready for this?


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You're ready. You may not feel like you are, but if you take things one day at a time, you'll be fine. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep going forward, and don't look back with any regrets. Besides, you have friends and family who believe in you.
I believe in you. :)