→ the e c h o | new girl group | application~



Name: Yoo Haneul
English Name: Hana
Birth Date: Nov. 28, 1995
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Korean
Birth Place: Busan, Korea

"Is it just me, or is the world becoming more careless everyday?"

Yoo Haneul... oh, how to describe this... interesting girl. For starters, she's extremely bossy. Anyone could think of that. She's also... how to put this nicely... irritating. Although Haneul's still quite young, she's absolutely all work and no play. She likes to be taken seriously and barely ever says anything out of behavior. Haneul has a perfectly organized mind and takes everything into consideration before making a decision. Her manners and etiquette are no joke and she tries to "civilize all of the other idiots in the world." As you can probably guess, her strict character does not allow her to socialize... but that doesn't mean that she isn't popular. I know what you're thinking. "WHAT? A girl like THAT has friends?" Not necessarily. Friends? Yup. REAL friends? Nope. Many people at school hang around her for her cute and pretty appearance, but they never get to know what real Haneul. In fact, even people who (think) they know Haneul's uptight persona don't. Now let's see who Yoo Haneul really is, shall we?


"Stop acting like you know me because I can bet you all the money in the world that you don't."

What I said before isn't a lie. Haneul is strict and uptight like that. However, she doesn't do it to make herself feel superior or make others "civilized." It's because she cares. When she acts this way towards you, it means that she is worried for you and doesn't want to see you hurt. In fact, it breaks her heart the most when people say that she's mean because it's just her motherly nature. From lots of experience in the past, Haneul learned that sometimes for you to be happy, you have to make others happy. What she doesn't know is that everyone would be happy... if she would just cut a little slack and enjoy her youth.


Family Background:

Haneul comes from a very traditional, strict family. If you ask Haneul about her parents, her usual response is to snap at them and tell them it's rude to into other people's lives. But without all the rudeness and harsh attitude, she'd say, "I don't know. I barely know them myself." Haneul, along with her other siblings, are not as close with their parents like other families are. Haneul comes from a rich background (another reason why people stick to her), so her parents own their large computer company, meaning that they're always busy and sometimes they don't even get to see their children throughout the day. Haneul and her siblings, however, are extremely close. She is the oldest of her two younger brother and sister, and she cares for them like a second mother. She thinks, "Since these poor kids barely have a mother, I should be there for them." This thought spread around her body, and soon enough, she was acting like this when it was anyone.

Family Members:

-Yoo Tae Hyun (father, 47)
-Yoo Joo Ri (mother, 46)
-Yoo Eun Sol (sister, 9)
-Yoo Jong Yeol (brother, 6)

Ulzzang/Model Name: Kang Sura
Ulzzang/Model Links: 01 02 03 04 05
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 49 kg


  • winnie the pooh
  • hair bows
  • strawberries
  • hip hop
  • travelling
  • snow
  • braiding hair


  • being ignored
  • junk food
  • hot weather
  • y dances
  • loud/crowded places
  • guys with long hair
  • her own laugh


  • singing
  • playing the gayageum + piano
  • cooking


  • listening to music (both earbuds, volume up all the way) when upset or angry
  • cracking knuckles when bored
  • swaying head side to side when excited/happy
  • snorting when she laughs hysterically (she barely laughs, but that's the reason why she hates it)
  • shifts a lot in her sleep (which usually leads to falling on the floor)


  • she is addicted to strawberries and will eat them all day if she wanted to
  • grades are very important to her
  • she is always worried for her brother and sister when she is away (so it was very hard on her when she had to leave to be an idol)
  • is deathly allergic to seafood
  • surprisingly loves rap and hip hop music
  • loves any kind of tea: green tea, milk tea, bubble tea, iced tea, etc.
  • she keeps a diary under her pillow

Persona: Motherly Dongsaeng
Position: Lead vocalist
Training Duration: 3.5
Trainee Background: Haneul just kept to herself and did what her instructors and sunbaes tolr her to do. She didn't like to talk to anyone else because she was still upset at the fact that in order to chase her dream, she would have to worry about her family 24/7. However, she did manage to make trustworthy and accepting friends.


-Suho (EXO): After watching a performance of Haneul and her gayageum, he couldn't help but praise her. Later on, they continued to get closer, and he didn't mind one bit of her personality.

-Key (SHINee): Key and Haneul met when he was mentoring her in her trainee days. Like Suho, Key got closer to her and they shared a few common interests.

Crush: N/A (but if you want her to have one, then it'll be Daehyun from BAP)

Love Interest:

Zelo (BAP, 16): He's extremely playful, funny, loyal, and cute (especially to his BAP hyungs). He loves cherry tomatoes and riding his skateboard, and he is an amazing dancer and rapper as well.

Zelo and Haneul meet when both of them were running errands at the grocery store for their members and they run into each other while rushing back. Because Zelo accidentally made her drop her bags, he tried to help her with them, but instead she scolded him and told him to watch his step.

Zelo really doesn't like Haneul because she's always so motherly and uptight. He doesn't work that way, so sometimes he'll try and be very daring and careless around her just to make her worry and piss her off. (Example: he'll try a dangerous skateboarding stunt). Although she can't stand his foolishness, Haneul has a soft spot for Zelo because he's how she wants to act like but she can't. Also because she is his noona, she should care for him.


EXTRA: (Just a comment: You can change anything you want in here. Be mah guest lol)

Haneul has a very girly style and likes to where dresses and skirts a lot.

Ummm... I think thats it! Thanks~


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nice character! but i might change some things...but anyway, nice.