White Christmas, Red Snow || Nam Kyrie



Who are you? »

Username:  daridouvlyn

How active are you?:
anywhere between and 7 and a 10, depending on how many hours I have at work XD

Nickname: Keme

Everyone has a name »

Full Name: Nam Kyrie  (Korean name is Iseul, she has no problem going by that instead of Kyrie,)

Nickname(s): Valkyrie. Her step-father calls her this to tell her that he believes she is a strong, noble young woman who will one day inspire others to greatness. It's his way of sort of pushing her to come out of her shell.

Age: 17

Birthdate:  November 13 1995

Ethnicity: French-Korean (birth father was french)

Languages: Korean (fluent, though spoken with a bit of an accent,) French (fluent,) English (just what she's gotten from basic english classes in school. Could not carry a conversation to save her life XD)

Beauty is only skin deep »

Ulzzang Name: Lee Eun Ji

Picture Links:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  

Back-up Ulzzang: 
Kwon Su Jeong

Height:  165 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Show me your heart »

Personality: Kyrie is the type of girl who prefers to stand back from a crowd and just observe. She likes to understand a person's actions and motivations but is quite hesitant to join in on a conversation or share her thoughts with people. This has to do mostly with her being shy about her accent, but she's also easily intimidated. As a result, any time she is asked to speak aloud she talks calmly and carefully, making sure to use as few words as possible to cut down on the chance of her being misunderstood. She is quite expressive once she's comfortable with someone, though-- get her going with a good conversation and she'll immediately warm up.

Kyrie does her best to avoid conflict with other people. Once she feels intimidated she will back off and grow silent, and retreat into her submissive shell. If she feels trapped or backed into a corner, however, she will lash out without hesitation, usually verbally. She can have quite an acidic approach when she wants to cut someone down to size, and her habits of observing people give her plenty of material to work with. If she is physically threatened and absolutely has no other choice, Kyrie will use her nails or her knowledge of pressure points in an attempt to give herself an opening for escape. Luckily, she isn't threatened often if at all, because of her preference for staying out of the way and unnoticed.

Despite how she reacts when under pressure, Kyrie's disposition is sweet and thoughtful. She has a need to make the lives of those around her a little easier and will often do favors and chores or leave little gifts for people anonymously, as she is usually too reserved to come out and admit that she wants to get to know them. It's developed into a sort of secret code, the way she does things, and when someone grows close to her they begin to understand it. Kyrie has a couple very close friends whom she trusts utterly, and a handful of acquaintances that she is very warm towards, but even with those she holds dear Kyrie will do her best to keep her emotions to herself, if only to avoid burdening other people with them-- she will hold in everything to the best of her ability and let it all out when she's alone.

Background: Kyrie's mother (Nam JooEun) attended college in Paris for a specific program that would help with her literary career. There she met Kyrie's mother, a professor at the time. After Kyrie was born JooEun debuted as a writer and grew very successful, while Kyrie's father was fired from his job for allowing students to buy their grades or otherwise bribe him with favors. As time grew by Kyrie's father started taking out his frustrations on her while JooEun was away, with verbal aggression more than anything. Kyrie learned to block it out and figured the best response when her father was in a rage was just to sit quietly and pretend to listen, all the while watching how her father's moods made him change physically-- from the way he formed the words when he spoke to the way he moved as he paced the house. It was her defense mechanism-- observe, learn, and memorize.

After a year, Kyrie's father still hadn't gotten himself together, and Kyrie's mother divorced him. She took Kyrie back to Korea with her and continued to grow successful as an author and editor. Eventually she married the VP of the company that published her books (Nam Changsu). Their marriage date was Kyrie's 13th birthday.


-seeing someone happy because of something Kyrie did for them secretly

-blocking out the world with loud music and just watching the sky

-watching people play musical instruments (she has this thing for hands and wrists, as they are often what she keeps her eyes on when she speaks to a person)

-the scent of leather

-hearing her stepfather hum while he cooks

-learning more massage techniques or getting to practice them

-studying the way people's voices and mannerisms change with their emotions

-scary stories/movies. She loves fiction horror.

-big fluffy animals (her family has a Saint Bernard named Boromir at home)

-feeling protected.  If she can just hug someone and bury her face in their chest or shoulder it instantly makes her feel better.


-yelling or screaming

-Speaking in front of more than one person at once, or in front of a stranger

-people who impatiently tap their fingernails on hard surfaces (the sound, mostly)

-blood (the sight/smell of it makes her feel woozy)

-knowing when people are acting fake (something she notices easily because of her observation habit)

-fear pranks or jumpscares. When it's not a story or a movie, she frightens easily.


-studying and learning the mannerisms of people around her

-daydreaming, especially while on long walks by herself

-sneaking into recitals or band concerts to watch people play

-researching and practicing massage therapy techniques (hence her knowledge of pressure points)

-reading and writing horror fiction


-she bites her lip when she's concentrating or worried

-when she's especially happy or content, she'll nibble on her sleeve or on her fingertips

-she walks on her toes-- a habit she picked up from observing one of their neighbors back in france, who was a dancer. This makes her movements very quiet and very light.

-she will often just watch someone's hands if she's not thinking about it.




-being burned

-being beaten (her tolerance for physical pain is dismal)



Favorite thing to do at a slumber party: watch horror movies, share scary stories, give hand/back/foot/shoulder massages to anyone who asks her

Opinion on supernatural creatures: “I know they're essentially creatures of fiction, but isn't the lore behind them interesting? *goes off to get lost in wikipedia links*”

Does "love at first sight" exist?: Interest at first sight, yes. Love at first sight, no. Unless it's a puppy. Then cuddles.

If you had to break one of the school rules, what would it be and why?: Rule 2, no PDA. (Kyrie loves skinship with people she trusts and thinks it's a better form of communication than words sometimes. Also she loves to hold hands XD

Dream Job: Massage therapist (giving massages means she's able to help people feel their best. She's wanted to do this since she was in middle school.)

How many kids do you want in the future?: one or two

Mode of transportation to and from school: Bike; she takes the bus if it's raining.

Top three ways to die (one must be violent):

-Burned alive

-Tortured (especially if it involves meticulously breaking each and every one of her bones, one by one, or laying her on bars or some kind of suspended surface with openings in it, and hanging increasing weight from her limbs so they slowly bend and snap from the pull)

-Pushed from the roof of a tall building

Least favorite cafeteria food(s): pizza (it's always too greasy XD)

Best school subject: english (unless there's a psychology course she can ace, of course X”3 )

Family before all »


Nam Changsu | 53 | head of the editing department for a publishing company | Stern but fair, and very kind in his own way. Very level-headed. He works well with his colleagues and makes every effort to see the best in people but has no trouble with calmly putting someone in their place. | Very supportive and warm towards Kyrie, and has mastered her little “I secretly to favors for you because I care” code. It's their little way of communicating XD | Alive


Nam Jooeun | 40 | Suspense novelist, also writes reviews | Very type-A, she gets quite flustered if she doesn't have some sort of project to work on. She loves to joke around and have fun, but can become serious and focused at the drop of a hat. She's intelligent, but doesn't have too much common sense.| She would die for Kyrie, no questions asked, but gets exasperated when she can't always understand Kyrie's reasoning or thoughts. Still a doting mother, though XD she loves to take Kyrie on shopping trips. | Alive

Siblings: N/A


Other: N/A


Love is a silly thing »


Love Interest: Tao / Huang Zi Tao 

Age + Birthdate:  19 + May 2 1993

Personality: Quiet but playful, his natural ability to learn quickly and excell academically has garnered him the attention of bullies in the past.  However as he matured he grew exponentially more fit and athletic, and took up martial arts to help curb the temper he attemps to hide from people.  He's kind and sweet and is quick to smile, but he's still defensive.  He tries to avoid conflict, mostly because when he loses his temper he tends to respond to any antagonizing with physical strikes.  First impressions of Tao make one expect him to rock the full BAMF persona, and he certainly does at times, but he's really a softie.  

How you met/meet: Kyrie would have seen Tao on her first day at school and immediately become interested.  Of course she wouldn't have the balls to just go up and speak to him, but she would have been doing little secret favors and leaving him gifts after a short while of studying him.  Tao caught her slipping a pack of his favorite candy into his bag once, that would have been their first face to face meeting.

What rules would he break?: rule 2 (yes.)  rule 3 (must. have. more. blue.)  rule 14 (how can you expect him to be back by midnight when all the fun happens in the wee hours of the morning?)


Back-up Love Interest: Park Chanyeol

Age:  20 + November 27 1992

Personality:  Cheerful, bubbly, obnoxiously cute for the sake of being obnoxious.  He plays guitar and if he wants to scream the entirety of Lake Pontchartrain for the world to hear then so be it.  He's fun to be around and doesn't like to see that other people are unhappy.

How you met/meet:  One of Kyrie's quiet days interrupted by a Chanyeol out of nowhere, probably screaming the lyrics to Love Me Dead, because why not? 

What rules would he break?:  Most of them, or at least attempt to.

That’s a nice story »

Scene Requests: Hmm... Kyrie should nibble on people's fingers.  Specifically Tao or Channie's fingers.  Or collarbones.  Regardless, nibbling should happen.  Yes.  Oral fixation, Kyrie seems to have one.

Comments: Eeeeeeeee~!  *squees and runs off into the sunset, not so subtly flipping over trees and cars*




Because asking me to choose twixt Chen, Tao, Chanyeol and Kai is just cruel and unusual punishment, ma'am.  3"X


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