Unrequited love .

So, I've had a massive crush on my friend Cameron for at least a solid year now. We live a few hours apart and when I confessed he told me he wasn't into the whole long-distance relationship thing. I accepted it, but couldn't bring myself to stop feeling the way I do for him. He always calls me beautiful and says the sweetest things so I had this huge hope that maybe, just maybe- he liked me back.

But that is just never the case, is it? The first thing I was welcomed to see when I signed into Facebook was his newly-changed relationship status. I'm happy for him because he's my friend and I care about him a lot, but it was a pretty big blow and I'm stil reeling from it. I don't think I'm going to update for a few days because usually when I'm in a bad mood it effects the state of my writing. I hope you guys can bear with me for a little while.

Who's the idiot that said only guys can get friend-zoned?


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