I'm so excited!!!!

So, this month I'm going to see Teen Top live.

I'm super excited because in order for the concert to happen, $150k in ticket sales had to have been sold but by the deadline, we had only reached 80% of our goal and were told by the website that was organizing it to wait until the next day, when they would make an announcement. I thought for sure the announcement was going to be them saying the concert was a go, but they said it was cancelled and refunds would be sent out soon. By this point, everyone was like:

It was annoying because they'd told us to wait for news, and then crushed our dreams. When we asked them why they made us wait they said they'd spent nearly twelve hours trying to find us someone to sponsor the last 20% but they couldn't. It was sad but at least they tried to get it done right?

THEN, out of nowhere, they tweeted that they had an important announcement for the Toronto angels that they were going to make us wait for. I was like:

Really though, Krowdpop?  Again??

But it turns out, their announcement was that some random venue in Toronto said they'd sponsor some of the money if the concert was held at their place instead, and the rest of the money was sponsored by some random lady. (????????I have no details on this lady, it was kind of weird)

AND they upgraded our tickets, free of charge!! Originally we'd paid for the $50 tickets, which was the lowest price but at this new venue, $80 was the lowest price so they upgraded all the $50 tickets that hadn't been refunded as an apology and a present to the Toronto angels. (Tickets are still on sale if you're in the Toronto area and want to go! x)

The concert is on March 30th and I still can't believe this is happening but finally there's going to be a K-Pop concert in Toronto!! K-pop artists hardly ever come to canada and when they do, they go to Vancouver. -.- I can't wait to see the boys in person, it's gonna be great! 

Most of you probably didn't even get to this part of the blog post but I'm just really excited and I needed to gush, okay? :3

ANYWAY, I'll get back to my writing now x.x Bye!




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