
Any readers out there?

not fanfiction readers...hahah


I need some reccomendations for good books because I need to get back into reading 

I used to be obsessed, reading all the time. 

I want a book I cant out down. Something Good~~You know what I mean Jellybeanssss?

So pleaseee recommend some for me pleeasseee~

My retainer is hurting my teeth. Shizzzz

Comment below :)


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Kanpop #1
You should read night. It is a holocaust book. We are reading it for english right now. I dont think it has an author name. You should really go check it out if you haven't. Its really good!
xPicklesx #2
and i'll lend you my books
xPicklesx #3
come visit
xPicklesx #4
my room is a library
xPicklesx #5
i like dem books
xPicklesx #6
twilight blah
I really like "Stolen" and "Girl Stolen" Hahah I'm more into those kinds of books where the girl gets taken away and are like *ahem* beat up and *ahem* ... IDK But the suspense just Asdfjkl
Beautiful Creatures was a good one, they're even coming out with a movie about it now. I totally fell in love with it even though I'm not quite sure if the movie is going to meet the readers expectations. All I know is that the book is fantastic and I got totally hooked onto the series!
Oodorii #9
50 Shades of Grey is good (if you're into tht type pf stuff lol)
Also if you're like me and like horror than I suggest The Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill
Also Needful Things by Stephen King is really good.
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is one of my favorite books.
Gone but Not Forgotten by Phillip Margolin is also one of my faves.
And if you're into more classic literature, I suggest anything written by Junichirou Tanizaki (which is a Japanese author so you would have to find translations, whic arent too hard to find)
Deep, Dark, and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn is a beautiful book and all her other pieces too :)
EVFan1000 #11
Read "Cloud Atlas"
"House of the Scorpion"