miss right/annoucements

TOP media had trolled me.
I had thought that they would release TEEN TOP's MV on time without delay.

instead when I saw that it was uploaded already there was another line that read:
Video not avaliable

why TOP media? WHY.



and then later at 7 (singapore time), it was finally unprivated.

i watched it once.

then the fourth time.
then the fifth.
then the sixth.
then the seventh.
then the eighth.

and finally the ninth, where i forced myself to listen attentively to the song and not look at the visuals.



so i will be starting a critique/review/news/discussion tumblr site.
(once i post my first 'article', i let you guys know the link)

basically what i will do is to talk about certain issues.
its just like MV reactions but its more serious stuff.

hopefully my site would cater to the mass.

not only that, i will also give my views on various MVs, you guys can request for me to watch it and i will give my personal comments on it, in words obviously.

also, i will do reviews for any AFF story on this site too, it'll be good because your story would kind of get advertised there.



so i will hope for some good response.

and do check out Mission Code Exo in my stories as i update it soon. :)



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