I want to punch you in the face (Review Shops)

Things Review Shops do that I Hate.


1. Not knowing grammar rules

You're a review shop. You're suppose to help people and tell them where they're lacking. If you think "the words in the title shouldn't be capitalized because [you] think only the first word should be capitalized and like I's and stuff" is right... Then you need to step back and start learning. 

2. Having multiple reviewers who don't even follow the same rubric

So having more than one reviewer isn't a crime. Things get busy, I get it. But at least make sure everyone is reviewing the same. I mean, if someone gets a 68 when another reviewer from the same shop would've given them a 95..... What. Make sure your reviewers know if they should count off if there's no poster or background. Or maybe they shouldn't! It's not that hard to tell people how to do their job right.

3. Changing the password four million times in your rules

Okay, you want people to read them (the rules). But don't be immature about it. It's not cute.

The password is Firefly.

Four rules later: Psych! The password is manatee.

Two rules later: JK~! It's still firefly.

Nine rules later: Lol, forget it. No password!

Lol. Forget it. Not requesting here.

4. Getting y because someone didn't like the review

Now, if they have no right and got mad simply because they got a low score, that's fine. But if they want to argue points and discuss intelligently about why their flow or plot moves the way it does, don't brush them off! That's being rude on the reviewer's part. So do not reply to anyone with: "Yeah, well that's your grade and you're going to have to live with it. My opinion is final; I didn't ASK to review your story. Kthxbai , blacklisted!"

5. Having a very condensed layout

This an annoyance of mine that I have with anything. I don't like layouts. I think they're stupid and they make it harder for me to maneuver. Good job coding and all but ugh, it's like a maze and I have to cut through the walls with a machete.




This is an incomplete list that I will come back to add to. This is also an incomplete series called: "I want to punch you in the face". This list is the first installment that focuses on review shops.
Disclaimer: I do not suggest I have never done such acts and hold no more than minor annoyance towards you if you have.


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you punch too many people in the face baby.
Preach for grammar! Even though I still at it :P
It would be nice if the reviewers gave examples too where grammar . Like "you only had two errors!" does not help bro.
OMG. preach to the awkward layout part!