Jaejoong's New Dog!





Apparently Jaejoong got a new dog. :)  And...


Oh my god this new dog IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I just HAD to create a blog post for it. (You know that feeling?) I mean, it's the cutest dog I've ever seen! uwaahh~~~ 

I wish I had a dog like that. I've always liked dogs but my mum is kind of scared of them :(

But this! I don't think she'll be scared of this dog! It's soooo cute!

How does Jaejoong find such cute dogs? >.<

It's even cuter than this really cute cat that I really liked as well:

...(and yes it's just a gif :/)



Because Jaejoong's new dog is SOOOOOOOO uber cute, I will share all of the other photos of it too. :)


(sooooooooooooo cute!!!~ <3)


(asdfljadjhfvbkadlsp IT'S SLEEPING! So adorable~ <3)




It's so cute ^^

(...how many times have I said that today? >.< xD)

haeee... (peaceful rest after all that fangirling over the poodle up there ^^;)



...btw, isn't it weird? Jaejoong's in the picture up there and all I'm looking at is the dog. Ehehehe~... 



- - - And also, a side note: I will be starting my very first fanfic soon! Look out for it? ^^ - - -





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:D okay~! ^^