Han Geng vs SME Lawsuit


Han Geng vs SME lawsuit updates

Just 12 houres ago, the media been going crazy trying to figure out what is going on with hangeng’s lawsuit. Here is the comments i collected so far trying to make sense of what is going on

On allkpop is says: “Hangeng has acknowledged the exclusive contract and has withdrawn his lawsuit,” SM Entertainment said in a statement. “He will remain in China with specialized promotions for the time being.”

Iam actually very confused since SME has released an official statment.

And all of us remwber what hangeng and Sm said:

The Department of Justice stated, “All three contracts – from the January 2003 contract, the altered contract from February 2007, and the affiliated contract from December 2007 – do not exist.” Hankyung had filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment in December of 2009 claiming, “I cannot maintain an unjust contract.” Meanwhile, an SM Entertainment representative spoke with MyDaily in the aftermath of the decision and stated, “We cannot accept the result. We will file an immediate appeal to reverse the decision.”

However, it made more sense when “The official Han Geng international fansite” explained that

 ”It is impossible for Han Geng to drop the lawsuit when he already won it. His lawyers have merely applied to dismiss SME’s appeal against the previous judgment to force them to stop wasting time. So no, he is not back with SME.”

However, everyone is confused because SMe “already released an official statment”

Honsetly, we r in confusing hours and i beleive all ELfs should get a better explaination of what is going on.


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Piggybunnykyu #1
I asked the fansite today via twitter and they answered me.

Yeah I wish he would say something or even SuJu members would say anything.
Hmmm....when did the fansite say this?

Hangeng should say something. :/